Day Of Fate

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You all stood in front of Webs with either confusion or awe; she was standing on two legs while her other legs had changed to arms "jeez, I'm cold; anyone got a jacket?" Taking off your ripped jacket, Webs gladly put it on; she was up to your chest in height "why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked, confused. Wolf was the first to get words out. "Webs, you are well standing on two legs," she laughed "hilarious, Wolfy" "he's not joking," Shark replied; pulling out your phone, you snapped a photo of her and showed her. "OMG, how did this happen?" Diane pondered it before snapping her fingers "the Impossible Gem, that's how it must've happened."

"Yeah, that's right; when I hit the gem, a beam when straight at her; it must've caused this to happen" you replied while pointing at your girlfriend. "Not that I don't enjoy this, but we should get moving." Snake replied, "the truck," you muttered; jumping over the edge, Y/N saw the still flaming truck running to it, only making your anger grow more the van was empty; the gem was gone. "DAMN IT!" Slamming your fists into the ground caused it to shake your car soon pulled up as the group saw what had gotten you so mad. "Y/N, it's fine," Wolf put a hand on your shoulder "it's not I had them, but I let my emotions get in the way."

Diane hugged you from behind. "Y/N, emotions are what you make strong, plus I think that anger is going to be the turning point one day, I can tell" turning, Y/N kissed Diane on the lips. "I'm worn out; let's go get some food on me."

Meanwhile with, the White Panther

Sparks flew as the final parts of were added to a machine "how long?" "Two minutes, miss, we are putting the Impossible Gem in now" as the Gem was lifted into the chest, the White Panther entered an elevator, and she went up and into the machine before her. "12 hours to fully charge" "good, then I will finally crush that little dragon!" Panning out, it was a giant robot at least 100 feet tall she laughed while in the robot as the gem started to glow, bringing the robot to life.

Back with the group

They were sitting in a dinner munching on food; meanwhile, you were feeling something flowing through your veins. Snake put his tail on your hand. "Y/N, are you okay you've been acting strange ever since the White Panther run in." Shaking his head, Y/N looked back "yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Webs looked at you. "I think it's high time you said what she said to you, Y/N, and the history you two have." Y/N looked at Diane, who nodded in response "here's the thing when we went for the Gem, White Panther had beaten us to it and blew the train up, trapping me."

"Y/N, I never said this before, but after you went to prison, I tried to steal a satis crystal, but she was there; we got into a shootout, and in the end, neither of us got the crystal." You raised an eyebrow "wait, so she went for me and you; what's to say she never went after Sahppire Feather?" Crushing the glass in your hand as blood dripped, Pirnaha gave you a tissue as you looked towards Diane "what if that bank vault was a setup? What if that was her way of getting rid of Sahppfire Feather? The train for me and the museum for you? She's been hunting us!" Diane sighed "we have no proof she killed SF EC."

"I, you are right. I guess I was trying to shift the blame on my fuck up" Diane lifted your head "it was never your fault" Y/N gave a small smile in response, "let's finish this up and go home; I need a shower. To clear my head." That night you were sitting by the kitchen counter looking at a photo; it was of you, Diane, and Keala. The Emerald Claw, The Crimson Paw, and the Sahpfire feather." Taking a swig of the whisky you had in your hands, Diane walked in "you really miss her, huh?" A low laugh came from you "she would've loved this us going good haha" Diane rolled her eyes "she would be so mad if she knew what we've become."

"Something is coming, Diane" "I know" "no, I mean in me, all that rage I had today, I feel like it's building up to something like I'm going to snap any day now; we always spoke about how my rage is critical to something and I think we are going to find out very soon." "We will be here for when that happens, Y/N; even if you feel like you will lose your mind, your lovers will be there to keep you under control." Kissing her, you both walked to your room "if I lost this new family I have nobody would be safe so promise me I won't lose this family like I lost her." She rubbed your horns. "I promise, Y/N."

You were all awoken by crashing and screaming; turning the TV on, there was a news report. "This is Tiffany Fluffit live on scene where the White Panther is causing a rampage through LA in a giant robot; if the Good Guys are watching, we could use your help!" You ball your hand into a fist. "EVERYONE DRESSED NOW!" Not five minutes later, you sped down the street with a new weapon in the back "so what's the plan?" Webs asked, "I'll face the White Panther head-on; meanwhile, you lot transfer that cannon above her; the missile is armed with an electrical pulse. It should disable the gem leaving me to blow that thing to hell!"

Pulling over, you all saw the robot smashing buildings as people ran Msity ran up to you. "I hope you have a plan, Y/N" "I do, don't worry," as the gang ran into a nearby tower as you flew ahead and threw a steel beam at the robot. "Well, if it isn't Y/N," "this ends now, White Panther!" "Like it did for Sapphire Feather?" You were getting annoyed but you saw your friends getting the cannon ready "what do you know about her?" "I killed her!" You and Diane both fell silent "what did you say?" "I killed her, Y/N. I hacked the vault shut, and I nearly ended you, but clearly, it's much harder to kill a dragon than a bird."

"YOU BITCH!" Diane started to shoot, alerting the robot to their presence "ohohoh, more insects to crush!" Swinging an arm around glass and brickwork went flying as the group fell, "NO!" Shark hit a few floors below Pirnaha was hanging on; meanwhile, Wolf was grabbed by Diane, but they soon lost their grip Y/N went to fly in to catch them, but White Panther smacked you down, creating a small hole blood was in your mouth shirt and trousers were ripped Snake crawled over to you. He was bleeding. "Y/N" "Snake, stay down." He soon fell over and stopped moving, but he was breathing.

Crawling out of the hole, Webs tried to help you up "come on, Y/N, we gotta get out of here" "Webs, go help Snake" she went down to help as Wolf was thrown at you, but you caught him; he gave a small smile "hey handsome" "heh hurt and you still make joked huh?" He kissed you on the lips before a car was tossed at you both, causing Wolf to fly out of your arms and yell, feeling an arm being broken finally getting to your feet, you were weak, very weak Diane crawled as a foot loomed over her "Winter I'm sorry I failed you again I said we wouldn't lose this family and yet I did" tears ran down her face. "I let my anger take hold of me, but you need to let your anger explode; it's the only way."

The White Panther raised her foot above Diane. "Please, Y/N, I know you feel you failed her, but you never did, and I have loved you for years,s Y/N; you gave me the best years of my life. I'm sorry I didn't save you back then, but please, you have the power to end this so.Y/N. DON'T. HOLD. BACK!" With that, the foot came down, crushing Diane. You went wide-eyed, looking in horror "two gems down, one to go!" White Panther laughed as you just stood there in shock and horror.

In your head, something had snapped; a red line pieced your brain as all you could see was red. Letting out an almighty roar, your whole body exploded in a ball of red flames as a beam of fire went upwards, and a shockwave went off, knocking the robot over. Shark and Piranha looked over to you in shock; Snake and Webs smiled, seeing this new power in you. "Y/N" was all Wolf could say, and Diane weakly looked up and smiled.

"I knew it."

The original bad guy (male reader x the bad guys)Where stories live. Discover now