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| Shaun |

"None of them gets the girl," Luca trudged into the kitchen, a devastated look on his face. Raven frowned in confusion as he sat down on the chair next to hers.

"Who doesn't get the girl?" she asked him.

"The...the...This book I was reading," he began and I almost groaned, knowing what was to come. First it was the omega verse shit and now no one gets the girl. Where does he even get these books? "I was reading Man Down, by that new Author in your company. The Mafia Book. There are two guys, who were once friends, but drifted apart after the both of them became rivals. They meet the same girl and unknowingly, she plays both of them. In the end, they fall in love and are about to reconcile, but they died. Both of them. Like, just like that. Not even one survived to be with her. This is so sad. She is left all alone and her lovers died,"

"Maybe they weren't meant for each other," Raven shrugged, taking a handful of grapes from the bowl I placed in the middle of the table. "They could have had a toxic relationship,"

"But still," Luca argued, pouting. "He did not need to kill them. Or both of them. He could have killed Lance and not Drew. I liked Drew. He was nicer than Lance,"

"Which one is which?"

"Okay so, there's Lance and he is the redhead. And then Drew, the one with albinism. And then Olivette, the leading lady, she's black," I listened to Luca explain the book and characters to Raven, basically whining about how the book was dark and heart-breaking and how they were only a handful of happy and romantic scenes, with a lot of violent and conflict. That didn't sound like a good book. "I mean, I get it from the trigger warnings and the nature of the book itself, but it shouldn't be this dark to the point where the main characters die," he huffed out, slumping against Raven's shoulder. "Now I can't stop thinking about it. Like, I'm so sad for her. And for Drew,"

"Oooh, looks like someone found his favourite character," she teased him.

"It's no use. He's dead anyway," he said sadly.

"Come on baby, don't be sad. Youll find a new character to love," she said ruffling his messy bed hair.

"I don't want to," he whined. Raven giggled quietly, shaking her head.

"I never thought I'd see the day you get obsessed over a book character, let alone a book," I commented, shaking my head with a tiny smile. I kind of liked this side of him. It's quite adventurous. He gets to read about any character, and I'd hear about it through his perspective.

"The smut was great though," Luca piped up. "That was my first time reading a book filled with that intense smut. He didn't censor anything. Speaking of, how old is that dude? He looks too young to be writing stuff like that,"

"You look too young to be reading stuff like that, baby," I smirked when Luca gasped.

"I'm one year away from thirty. How is that young?" he rose a brow at her, raising his head from her shoulder. "I'll let that slide. Only because you said I look young," he added with a sweet smile. Raven stole a kiss. "I didn't brush my teeth," he murmured.

"And I'm Beyoncé," Raven said with a shrug.

"What?" Luca frowned, not following.

"Irrelevant information,"

Once the food was ready and we were all seated, the conversation continued to flow between the three of us while we ate. I kept an eye on Raven. She'd been tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep. No matter how much we talked to her, it wouldn't be easy to just get over what she'd just discovered. I wanted to tell myself that it's no big deal. That it wouldn't give her any problems. I'd even googled about endometriosis as soon as I woke up, while they were still sleeping. If anything, I got confused and worried.

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