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| Shaun |

“To make things right,” he said. “I want to…to get to know you and maybe apologise to your mother for everything I’ve done. Above all else…”

“I’m here for you,”

I laughed to myself, shaking my head. This can’t be happening. This man can’t be serious. He’s here for me.

“I don’t have much right now, but…” he pulled out an enveloped and ripped the seal, pulling out papers. He placed them in front. “This is what I have with me. I know it’s nothing compared to what you’ve achieved, and I’m ashamed as a father that this is all I could offer,” tears brimmed in his eyes.

I looked at the papers, not wanting to see his tears any more than I have to. I skimmed through the papers and my eyes zeroed in on the amount at the end of the page.

R1.2 Million.

If he had this amount of money with him, then why does he look like that.
I was more confused than ever. It would have made sense if he was asking for money, but instead, he’s giving it to me.

“The reason I didn’t…look for your mother or…you, is because I got involved with the wrong people,” he spoke up. “I was in a gang. And-“


“Before I met Grace, I was with these people in Cape Town and…and once you get in, you can’t exactly get out. I wanted to. For Gracie, I did, but it was impossible. And I was under a lot of stress, and I started drinking and I…didn’t mean to hurt her. I wouldn’t…” he shook his head, wringing his hands together. “It’s not an excuse and I cannot justify what I did, because I know it was wrong of me to lay a hand on her,”

“I hate myself every day for it,” a tear slid down his face. “I can’t blame it on the alcohol addiction,” he quickly wiped his face. “I’m clean now and…I’m no longer with those bad guys,”

“Let me guess,” I eyed him. “You’re going to ask her to take you back?”

“No,” he shook his head. “I won’t. I don’t deserve her. I don’t even deserve her apology. Maybe someday I can meet her, and I apologise but I won’t ask her back,” he said.

“You expect me to believe that?” I rose a brow.

“I don’t have much time,” my brows shot up at that. “Those people…the gang, they did something to me. It was the only way I could get out. The doctors can’t fix me, so I don’t have long,” he smiled as if he said something positive. “I’m okay with that. Especially now that I got to meet you. I’d take any time I can get with you and…you can have the money. All of it. It-it’s yours,” he eyed me. “I know it’s bad money, but this is all I have,”

I eyed the papers once again, more clearly this time. I realised these are certified court papers. It’s pretty much a will and I see the sole beneficiary name listed.

“It’s Shaun Prescott,” I said. “Not Shaun Ansell,” I looked up at him.

“Oh,” his face visibly fell. “I wasn’t aware. I didn’t know if your mother…” he trailed off. “No worries. I’ll take it back to court and have it corrected,”

“No need,” I said pushing the paper to him. “I don’t want your money,”

Here’s the thing about this man. My mother told me just about enough about this man, with the intentions of letting me decide if I wanted to find him. Mom never talked bad about him. Fuck, I don’t think she said much. I’m fairly aware of what he did to her, but that’s just about it. I don’t know his personality. I don’t know what kind of man he was. Or is.

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