Chapter 2// Own me?!

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"We bought you." Mr. Ichinomiya repeated the phrase slowly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and I was too stupid to see it.

"What do you mean you bought me? You can't buy a person!" I shouted while glaring at him. I tried to hide the tremble of anger and confusion that had started in my hands.

He would be ruined if the press found out about this.

I turned on my heel, facing the guy with black hair. "Get out of my way I'm leaving right now."

I was trying really hard not to lose my head but when he looked at me and scoffed, I had almost given into my anger.

Chuckling darkly to myself I raised my foot to kick him. He reacted fast and just before my foot connected with his stomach he grabbed it and shifted his grip so it was at my ankle.

I realized in horror that he grabbed it, I bend slight back and jerk my foot trying to untangle it with his hands.

He then twisted it to the right side and pain swelled through my body in a quick motion. I swear that I had heard a a crack.

I crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain leaving my throat, I resisted the strong urge to scream.

Shit, he's strong.

I flexed my foot carefully while laying on the ground. Hoping to god that it was not sprained or broken, willing the pain to go away. I quickly tried to conjure up a plan that would not end up with me laying on the floor and more broken bones to top it off.

The guy walked over to me and extended one of his large hands for me to grab onto. I gave him a dark look and swatted his hand away. "I don't need your help!" He was the one to put me on the floor.

Completely ignoring my refusal he grabbed onto my fore-arm painfully and forced me up, onto my feet.

Talk about being rough.

"Hey Eisuke, what do I do with her?" He asked his expression heartless, and his grip latched onto my wounded arm.

"Soryu take her jacket off, and see if she's carrying around any weapons."

With his request my eyes widened to the size of moons. I started struggling against his grip trying my hardest to pull myself free. Taking matters into my own hands I stomped on his foot as hard as I possibly could. He didn't even flinch. I took a sharp in-take of breath my struggles triggering a unpleasant memory.


I was standing inside of the schools girl bathroom, trying to calm down my raging nerves. I took a deep breath in and exhaled out slowly the voices of my parents and classmates echoing inside my head.

"Worthless, Idiot"

"It's all your fault!"

"Go kill yourself!"

I whimpered slightly and growled low to myself, "Shut up! Damn conscience!" My mind started swirling and my thoughts jumped up together in an endless loop of horrible memories that I so wished to forget.

My eyes grew pitch black. The more I stared at myself int he mirror the more my self hate grew. Without reasoning I clenched my right hand into a fist and winded it back. My anger seemed to swallow me whole, with a warrior cry I smashed my fist against the mirror.

It was painful, yet I felt better.

Shards of glass seemed to explode from the mirror, raining down onto the sink and floor. The flesh on my knuckles split open, crimson red blood began to dot up.

New life.(Kbtbb Editing)Where stories live. Discover now