Chapter 24//The nightmare and Jail time

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Well shit how did I get here?

I ask myself for the hundredth time today looking at the iron bars That are currently locking me in my jail cell.Sighing Angrily I bang in the bars shouting at the top of my lungs to any Police officer that's not death Like they all seem.

"DONT I GET ONE PHONE CALL COME ON WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS?!"I scream my voice growing hoarse But my words come out all slurred Where your barley able to understand them.

I open my mouth to scream some more angry profanities but the Girl who looks like a guy in the next jail Cell over snaps her head up and glares at me.

"Shut your fucking mouth or I will shut it for you!" I narrow my eyes at her and being the annoying drunk bitch I am I Scream again this time louder than before..

"CRAZY LADY IN NEXT CELL!!!!!"I hear her growl in frustration as she stands up walking over to my side of the cell reaching through the thick metal bars and before I even had the chance to run away Or cry out she grips my shirt in her fists.

Suddenly she recoils her Arm to her keeping a death grip on my Shirt And I slam into the metal bars Hurting my nose in the process.

I should have shut my mouth.....

If it wasn't for the bars she probably would have killed me well actually from the amount of force I'm being pressed against the bars I still my be dead.

"I Said to shut your fucking mouth."Realizing if I continue speaking she will strangle me I clamp myopathy closed and Nod my head.

She releases me and as I quick as I can I run to the hard wooden bed and jump on it far away from her My white hair still screwed up behind me.

That's what I get for being an annoying bitch....

I couldn't help it though I've never been to jail well not of what I remember My memory's still Hazy I can't remember anything much.

"How did you get in here?"The crazy man last next to me asks leaning against the bars "Surly you white girl Couldn't have killed anyone or did any major damage."

I sigh and put my head in my hands massaging My temples.

"I kinda got drunk and destroyed someone's car...."I mumble Looking down at my feet Guiltily biting my bottom lip,I swear it wasn't on purpose well the destroying someone's car part.

My eyes Slowly switch to dark grey when I remember The events from earlier tonight.....

After I Got in Eisuke's car I Decided before I go and confront him about the auctions I need a drink big mistake I already knew since my almost drinking myself to death incident I shouldn't Even think of this but I wanted one.

After arriving at the bar I rushed inside Grabbing a 30 dollar bill out of my pocket and slapped it in front of the bar tender "I would like a beer please Blue moon."

He takes the 30 about to go to the cash register when I stop him "Actually no need to do that just give me as many drinks as this can Buy me"An evil smirk lines me face and my brain screams no but my self control screams yes.

Guess which mother fucker won.

So that's how I ended up in front of the bar looking at all the choices of beer.

"Okay I would like a blue moon, Angry orchard, And 10 Tequila shots."

His eyes widen as he looks at me He probably thought I couldn't even handle a Blue moon that sextist Pig just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't drink.

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