Chapter 26//Its all a game isnt it?

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Long chapter beware like 60 pages long On my phone Eh not too long but it's longer than what I usually do.
Waking up the next morning didn't feel so much like a chore considering I woke up by myself earlier. To say the least I was surprised who knows pigs might fly tomorrow.

As soon as I woke up I was struck with last nights memory's and the throbbing of a Wrecking ball hitting my skull over and over again confirm I did get drunk. The other memory's I am pretty damn sure did happen It's that or I'm going crazy.

Which means Eisuke knows about my past......

Ah and he.........
Kissed me....

Holy Shit! I kissed Eisuke wait no he kissed me!

Was it a pity kiss? Thats probably what it was I mean who in there right mind could like me? Certainly not him for one thing I'm pretty sure he's the definition of man-Whore so that what it was no questions asked.

Bitting my lip I slightly shift in my bed And stare at the French doors leasing out into a sort of deck outside.

With a groan I rip the sheets off my body And swing my body up letting my feet brush against the soft carpet. I lift my body up from the bed stretching slightly And letting out a yawn.

I usually don't get up this early so I'm assuming That I have some free time. I drag my body a-crossed the floor out to the balcony the sunlight Immediately hits my face and for a second I'm startled and just like a damn vampire, I let out a hiss.

Squinting my eyes I continue on out and lean against the railing while looking down at the people who seem to have turned into ants. For once I let my mind wander freely but I didn't enjoy where it went.

Under my breath I started to sing a song that I learned by heart as a nursery Rhyme I used to sing it to my sister when she was just born it put her too sleep everytime.

"The London bridge is broken down, broken down, broken down, the London bridge is Broken down, my fair lady."

Her body standing by the side of the roof...

"Build it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay, build it up with wood and clay, my fair lady."

My voice shaking as I called out to her and her surprised gasp turning around with her eyes wide with fear and sorrow....

"Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, Wash away, Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady."

The words leaving her mouth like a sad speech rehearsed thousands of times in her head while she steps closer to the edge....

"Build it up with brokers and mortar, Bricks and mortar, Bricks and mortar, Build it up with bricks and mortar my fair lady." I continue singing as that horrible memory's keeps replaying in my mind.

Her sad smile as she steps off the edge her body disappearing from my eyes..

"Bricks and Mortar will not stay, Will not stay, Will not stay, Bricks and Mortar will not stay, My fair lady."

My scream and hers mingled together sicking the pounding of my heart beat as my feet fly a-crossed the roof trying to reach her....

"Build it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, Iron and steel, Build it up with iron and steel, My fair lady."

Watching her body crash to the ground ending her screams and her life by then I could here My parents frantic Footsteps running up there....

"Iron steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, Bend and bow, Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair lady."

My parents running to the side of the roof where I am tears running down my face and my body leaning on it staring down at her with her body bent awkwardly....

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