Chapter 18//LEAVE ME ALONE

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"I'm just glad your happy"Eisuke comments back I see right through his words he only said that because He's trying to get the offer I heard him talk about before.

Carolina gives him a sicking smile and I throw up a little in my mouth.Why Do you like him Carolina he's snobbish arrogant and rude.

I sigh mentally to myself Am I being Jealous?Hell no this isn't jealousy it's Ne not wanting to put up with this crap.

Suddenly Carolina's Phone rings from inside her huge purse the vibration clear as day.She rummages through her purse and pulls out the cell phone.Taking one look at the caller ID she stands up from the couch hurriedly "It's daddy!Ill be talking out there."

Carolina turns around and Saunters towards the exit of the lounge where in I stare at her back getting caught up in my thoughts.

Me and her aren't Really Different...When you think if it Well except the part she's rich and happy where as I remember bits and pieces of my life and I'm suicidal but Our personality Kind of has the same Aura to it.

I chew on the inside of my lip as a perfectly dressed maid enters the room Head held high and seems to be glaring almost.

In one hand she's balancing a Tray with a black coffee in it And sets the whole tray down on the table in front if Eisuke giving a slight nod of her head and Walks out quickly.

What's her deal...?

I shrug my shoulders thinking she probably had a bad day or something.I look over to see Eisuke grabbing A sugar packet and my eyes narrow And of corse being the bitch I am an evil smirk dances on my face.

"Ohhhhh so the king Or Arrogant lord Likes sugar?Nice How come You watch what you eat around everyone else but when it comes to me...?"A smirk Fills my face and Eisuke scowls at me his eyes glinting dangerously.

"That's because I don't see you as a woman."His answer blunt and short but still brings a Flame to my eyes.

"Oh nice to know Princess Eisuke."I lean back and Add a snicker to the last part when I see his face.

"Yeah your welcome Stone heart."Now it was my turn to scowl I shoot him a look and reply back angrily.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios This morning?"His jaw clenched and his face goes blank What if I'm going to Start a comeback war I Should at least know some it's not my fault I'm better at thinking of them than him.

He opens his mouth to say something back to me but the door creaks open interrupting him.He glares at me And then softens his Gaze as he looks out if the corner of his eye At Carolina.

"We will finish that later Sweetie.."I scrunch up my nose and Look at him disgusted.

I give him a Unless-You-Want-Your-Throat-Ripped-Out-Never-Call-Me-That-Again look.Looking amused He smirks at me but quickly directs His attention To Carolina Out of the corner if my eye I see Soryu's shoulders shake.

My eyebrows stitch together and I stare at him,He Straightens his posture quickly but I can tell by how his face is Partially red he was laughing at us.

I almost face palm myself when I get a better idea,kicking his foot under the table hard enough to Get his attention And once his Eyes Settle on me with a glare in them I secretly reach up to scratch head.

While doing that I shoot up my middle finger and flip him off Trying really hard to keep my poker face on while doing this but honestly it was REALLY Hard.

"Tch"I hear Soryu click his tongue from beside me and a weak smile lights up my face.

"My dad actually complemented you when I told him how much fun I've been having with you and Soryu,Eisuke!"

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