Chapter 25//Spilling secrets

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Kind of a long chapter and
Sad too but stick around until the end I think you'll like it.
Actually pissed didn't even describe the look on Eisukes face right now he looked like he could punch me with no regrets right now,I couldn't honestly blame him I did deserve a punch but right now he was the least of my worries.

Even in my fucking dream I'm haunted by my past?!

Like come on can I not catch a break?Im scared to even sleep anymore,Pathetic I know.

I roll my bottom lip into my mouth looking down at the Floor to avoid his icy glare And guilt washes over me,Wasn't I suppose to try to stop thinking about him?Wasn't I supposed to forget about my past.

Why the hell can I not forget about it?!

While I was stuck in my own little thought bubble Eisuke Keeps a firm grip on my arm and lifts me Up using his one hand.Taken by surprise I grab onto Eisuke trying not to fall from the sudden use of gravity.

He starts to lead me out of the cell Keeping his Arm on my forearm,as we pass by the Girl police officer I stop moving Making Eisuke tug at me in annoyance.

Instead I ignore him and glare at the police officer my eyes Changing color quicker than they normally do."Why Are you all death?I screamed for heavens sake!"I try to get out if my mouth but my words slur together making the situation sound worse than it already is.

Eisuke gives a Quick nod to the lady pursing his lips together tightly clenching his jaw,"Sorry about this it won't happen again."Those words coming out of his mouth sounded sort of like a threat but being my drunken self I didn't give a fuck at the moment.

After a good few minutes the cool night air hits my face,Suddenly a wave of Nausea hits me powerfully and I struggle to be free of Eisukes grip so I don't vomit over his Hundred dollar shoes.

Of course with him being the prick he is he only tightened Him grip probably thinking I was trying to run away little did he know I was actually doing him a favor.

With no other choice I kneeled down onto my knees Making him stop,he looks down at me angrily but I ignore his glare and turn to the opposite Side of him quickly Pulling my hair out of my face before I start Dry heaving.

With nothing coming out of me Except for the alcohol I had consumed.Tears fill my eyes as I clutch at my stomach Eisuke finally Let my arm go when he saw why And still using my one hand I held my hair away from my face.

Dry heaving hurts mostly because you have nothing to throw up so your sitting there while your body makes these Spaz movements Shuddering as you try to stop throwing up.

I can hear Eisuke sigh and within a few seconds he softly grabs my hair tugging it away from my face as I continue to Throw up alcohol.

After a good 5 minutes I'm able to stop and with a shaky hand I bring it up to my face wiping away whatever vomit was left over.Feeling paler I struggle to get onto my feet when Eisuke suddenly sweeps me up bridal style in his arms heading for his black car.

"I thought you car was at the bar...?"I manage to mumble out looking at him confused not quite processing yet in my brain that he's Carrying me Acrossed the parking lot.

The only answer from him was silence and I tilt me head to the side in confusion just now processing that I'm being carried like a princess in one of those shows.

Why didn't he just sling me over his shoulder?

"Why are you carrying me?"I ask my voice more innocent then normal usually when I'm drunk I become a child again my sarcasm goes away with my cold side Where I'm me for a little while.

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