Chapter 45//Kidnapped

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Catarina's POV
Us humans are selfish horrible greedy creatures We grab onto anything that promise us happiness even if it means destroying someone else's.

So question what makes us greedy and selfish?

It's Ourselves.

We were all clean innocent children at one point in life we were all born happy and Nice we all wanted to grow up to live happily ever after but that is until we lose our innocents and turn on each other destroying them so we can feel good about ourselves.

We are pretty much disgusting.

Here's the thing we are all like this, we all lived through unhappy tales and some people deal differently.

This is what I mean by life is a game either you control other people or they control you.They move you around like a pawn to a chest board and you don't even know they have you wrapped around there finger.

We will battle for the stupidest things to it's all in our nature we where born to be like this and act like this.

We are all pawns in our life or the puppet master.We control people or they control us.We battle for our happiness or we throw it away.We are all in the same hell with Different devils.

We keep doing this pointless game until it's 'check mate' but here's a question what happens if we disobey the rules and put our selves in 'check mate' first?

Now that's a question unanswered.

So let me ask you guys something are you the puppet master or are you a pawn?

Me?Im neither.

But I will have those night when I'm the pawn to my own self. Take this night for example , I woke up from a horrible dream worst part is I keep having night mares they haunt me they're one thing that I can not get rid of no matter how hard I try They will constantly be there waiting for me welcoming me with open arms into there bitter cold darkness.

I wanted to go to someone for help I wanted to go to Eisuke but I understand that we are two completely different human being's in all way's possible. He is too good for me And I know that but That can't make me stop at least wanting his help. I am a human being after all Even though I may not act like it a lot or even acknowledge my feeling's they are there.

I have a heart I have feeling's I've been through shit. I am still alive my heart is still beating sending blood to every part of my body, and dear god I want someone to me.

That's just wishful thinking I know that But A person can hope right? I kick the comforter away from my body still feeling the slight sting from my dream and I get out of my bed looking out of my window seeing the bright sunlight flood the room dancing around every once dark-lit area.

It's still say time out. How disappointing....

I shrug on my jacket that's littered on the floor and Walk out of the dorm's planning to go to work aka The hotel just to see if Faith is there. I need to explain some stuff to her and If I don't soon I would regret it.

I walk into the front lobby and scan my eye's over the crowd seeing no one familiar I keep walking allowing my thought's to get carried away and I sigh internally to myself.

I wanted to talk to Luke but by the time I got outside he was gone I wanted to talk to my mother but she was gone I want to talk to Eisuke but he is gone from my life. Who else will disappear on me? Lost in my thought's I don't really pay attention to the bustling crowd in front of me and suddenly my shoulder collides into another person and I stubble backward's the slightest bit My Grey eye's pooling with hatred and coldness suddenly snap wide open and I immediately go to apologize.

New life.(Kbtbb Editing)Where stories live. Discover now