Welcome bitch .

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An annoying high pitched Shriek screams Eisukes Name from inside the air port I cringe and glance to who made The irritating noise.

A woman with VERY Curly blonde hair Dull blue eyes Sorta tall and slightly over weight tries to sprint to us But her high heels Cause her to wobble over overstep.I look at her high heels and cringe there like freaking 5 inches....

She out stretches her arms waiting for an embrace and Tries to hug Eisuke.I lean back on the heels of my feet and smirk.Im about to watch the great Eisuke get hugged by a girl this should be interesting.....

Suddenly Eisuke bends down and pokes my feet.I resist the urge to not Kick in right in the Adam's apple and keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.

"How's your feet today Cat?"He asks as if he's really interested if I'm in pain or not.I furrow my eyebrows and watch Carolina Ram right into the Pole Eisuke was just leaning onto squishing her face against it the only sound that left her throat was a strangled cry.

"Geez Eisuke!"She cried and peels herself away from the pole and instead of glaring at him she smiles brightly.Out of the corner of my eyes a see a Familiar looking guy talking to an older woman And smiling.

I cock my head to the side and bite my lip He's so familiar but I can't quite place it....

Suddenly he looks my way and realization hits me I saw him at work!He gives me a friendly smile and waves And I stand there looking at him still really confused Why is he here?

Eh why do I care?I turn away from him and face the two guys and Carolina again he smiles at her and says "Welcome to Japan Carolina"She gladly smiles back and a sickening feeling builds up in my stomach but it's not from them It's from the fact that I've ate And I feel sick....

I try to shake off the feeling and watch the Scene unfold in front of me between Eisuke and Carolina."I would love it if you meet Fang!!"She exclaims cupping her face in her hands Smiling widely.

"Fang...?"Both Eisuke and I say in unison looking at her suddenly interest I stand up a little straighter that before."It's a Chihuahua Look!!"I try my best to look bored but I couldn't help looking at the dog when Two men in black suits Walk from back of her.

Suddenly the dogs fur starts to rise and starts to bark repeatedly I cringe from the loud Noise that Continuously keeps going.

I see Eisuke out of the corner of my eye Turn his head the other way looking absolutely sick of this shit.Which leaves me to believe that this isn't the first time it's happened.I couldn't help a smirk cross over my face So there's something the great almighty king can't do huh?

"That's strange usually fang is really well behaved..."Carolina states confused looking at him.

"Maybe he just has an off day...."Eisuke sighs with the statement and Carolina's eyes glint suddenly and she turns around and glares at me.

"Now now fang you should be barking at that dumb bitch instead!"She points a finger Accusingly at me,I scoff and my eyes turn a shade darker than Before.

"Bitch if you don't want to be Pu-"I snarl at her When I can hear someone clear there throat Loudly behind me I whip my head around to see Eisuke giving me the If you want to live shut up look.

I frown and turn back towards her "What I meant was I hope you Never find yourself alone with me..."My threat was obvious but Carolina rolls her eyes at me and pretends I'm not even there.

I'll admit one part of me admires her sassy side but the other part of me wants to rip her throat out.

I growl to myself Glare at the side if her head."I want you to meet Soryu and Cat."Eisuke gestures the both if us with his hands.

New life.(Kbtbb Editing)Where stories live. Discover now