Date day #Failure 1

697 22 4

I'm standing outside by a black mustang car.My white hair is flying around in the light wind and the shirt with jacket I have on is hiding my scars.He opens the car door and gets inside so I follow his lead.As soon as I sit down I yelp from how soft the cushions are,Oh my god what the..?

He starts the car and steps on the gas I turn my head out the window and recall what I did yesterday I sigh quietly to myself,Why can't I just be normal my damn eyes ruin every good feature about me!I start to get angry but I take deep breaths and try to focus on the view.Out of the corner of my eye I can see Eisuke sneaking some looks at me but I chose to ignore him.I can feel the ghost of a smile tug at my face because Of all the colors outside Green trees and bushes with wet bark.The silence between us is awkward so I decide to ask a question that's been bothering me "Why do you hold the auctions?"His eyes Look pissed as soon as I ask that and I instantly know that was a bad question.He pulls over to the side of the road and slams on the brakes he looks over at me with fire burning behind his eyes."Dont ask needless questions!"I scowl at him.Eow he can't come up with an original idea if his life depended on it.I turn my head out the window starting to get mad but what I say wasn't what I expected.

On a 3 story building a girl is standing at the edge and no one Even notices her."HOLY FUC-"I start to say loud and shove the door open I jump out of the passenger seat and slam the car door.I can hear Eisuke following me but I drown him out.She IS getting ready to jump my body starts to move on its own I Start sprinting towards the doors and slam it open I hit someone in the face by accident but don't apologize. I keep running passing by many people and guards give me dirty looks my lungs burn And my legs ache by the time I reach the 3rd floor I burst out I to the rooftop and see the young girl standing their her eyes closed and her face violently bare.But that's not what I see at first.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I heard sobbing come from the roof of our 2 Story house.The bed next to me was empty and a Thick booklet was lying by the Lamp.I rip the covers of of me and I can see my Sisters Silver ring with a ruby on it.Lying on top of the booklet.I run up the stairs and see the Door to the 2nd Floor open slightly I push it open with a creak and what I see still haunts me to this day my sister was in her night gown her Brown locks of hair tossed to one side by the wind and she's at the very edge if the building sobbing and whispering over and over "I'm sorry"My eyes widen and I walk slowly to her "Sis please step down from there"She looks at me her eyes red and swollen tears where streaked down her face."Cat you weren't supposed to see."I shake my head at her "I can't keep living tell mom and dad I'm sorry and cat I left you a 324 page booklet on my desk by the lamp Read it and treasure it."My eyes burn with tears "Please sis no I need you.She shakes her head "No you don't I'm just a burden"She smiles a true smile "I love you cat."With that she jumps over the edge I can still here my scream and how fast I ran over to try to save her but it was to late.

"You don't want to do this."I call over to her she whips her head around her eyes where wild but Calm at the same time her arms where marked with scars."Who are you?!"She cried agony in her voice "Just a person"She glares at me "Please leave"She whispers pleading me.I shake my head "I'm afraid I can't do that."She now looks pissed "What do you know?!"I lift up my sleeves just a bit to show her my scars.

She looks even angrier than expected "You don't know anything just because you have scars!"I nod my head slowly at her "Yes I do know I know how it feels to wish for it to all just go away I also know how it feels to think your worthless and not worth anything.

She shakes her head at me "Im sorry it's a disgrace I was misplaced."Suddenly a large gust of wind Flows through the air and she falls over.

"NO!"I scream
As if times has stopped I lunged for her my knees scrape the asphalt leaving behind a bloody skid mark.
My body bangs into the side of the building and I just manage to grab hold of her shirt sleeve before she feel to her death.
"HOLD ON!"I scream through clenched teeth and try to get a better hold on her "Let me go!"She yells "Im ready to die!"

"NO DAMNIT I LOST HER TO SUICIDE IM NOT GOING TO LOSE SOMEONE ELSE!Tears fill her eyes "You don't even know me!"My body starts to slip and by now I'm halfway hanging over the edge of the building.

"I still care!"I tell her trying to calm my racing heartbeat.As soon as thoughs word leave my mouth she takes hold of my hand and doesn't let go.

"Don't let me fall please"She pleads tears streaming down her face.i nod my head my body starting to slip more of the edge.

"GOD EISUKE HELP ME OUT HERE!!!"I scream and soon I feel sturdy hands wrap around my waist hoisting me up I to the air along with her...
Hey guys it's nice to see you again wow other than the authors notes I haven't updated like in a month?Not sure well I'm sorry for a late chapter this isn't great at all it more just describes Her past but next chapters going to be Happy I promise you all!Okay bye.


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