Chapter 7

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It had been a month since I joined BFB high. It was already Christmas season. There's a lot more people in the school then I thought. Apparently, 20 years ago, another called Inanimate Insanity High School (or II High), combined with this school. I've met a few more people. I've met the rest of The Losers, (Coiny, Cake, Loser, Eggy, Clock,) Leafy's older brothers, Tree and Woody, The Bright Lights, (Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Test Tube, Fan) Barf Bag, Apple, Marshmallow, Tennis Ball, and Golf Ball.  They're really nice people. Well, Golf Ball and Paintbrush aren't the nicest, but everyone else is good. I got to school early like I usually do and ran into Lightbulb on the way. "Hey Lightbulb!" "Hi Sawwww!" "Your normally never early, what's up?" "Well, I wanted to wait for Painty so I can show them my new crab! His name is Baxter!" Lightbulb showed me her crab. "Ooo." "I also heard that there's a new student and I wanted to- OH HEY PAINY!" Lightbulb ran up to Paintbrush and tackled them to the ground. "Ow..." They said rubbing their head. "Sorry! But look! I got a new pet! His name is Baxter!" Paintbrush looked at Baxter then at Lightbulb and lightly blushed then smiled. "That's very cool.." "I know right!" "Can't you guys stop being gay and follow me? School is about to start." I said looking down on them since they were sitting on the ground. Both of them blushed and got up. "I'm all of trans x trans but I don't wanna be late to class." "I forgot I was trans." Lightbulb said. Paintbrush sighed and grabbed her hand and followed me inside.

When we got inside we saw a crowd of people blocking the hallways. We made our way through the crowd and saw someone we had never since before. We immediately knew it was the new girl. She had shortish red hair with a grey headband with a needle coming out of it. She had brown skin but it was lighter than Leafy's. "How come no one was this welcoming when I joined the school!" I complained to Lightbulb and Paintbrush. "Maybe it's because she's hot." I turned around and saw Coiny. "Of you'd be the simp." "Shut up!!!" "Let's go talk to her!" Lightbulb said and began dragging Paintbrush "Ack- Lighty!" Be and Coiny followed close behind. When Lightbulb stopped, she carefully put Baxter in Paintbrush's hair.

Paintbrush POV

The bell then rung and everyone rushed to class. "I guess we're not getting to class early.""Hi there! My name's Lightbulb, and this is my best friend Paintbrush! But only I can call them Painty. Oh! And they go by they/them pronouns." I awkwardly waved at her. "And this is my friend Saw and her friend Coiny. He said you looked hot!" Coiny blushed while I was dying from laugher. "IT'S NOT FUNNY PAINTBRUSH!" Coiny yelled still flustered. It took a while but I had stopped laughing. "Well um, my name is Pin! It's nice to meet you all!" "You too!" Lightbulb said holding my hand. "How long has she been doing that?" "Hopefully Coiny will be able to cure his Simp Virus before it affects anyone else." Saw said trying not to laugh. "Saw, I'm not a simp." "That's what the all say!" Saw said walking to her locker. "What class do you have?" Someone asked from behind us. Lightbulb immediately grabbed onto me like her life depended on it. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you guys!" Test Tube said with Fan next to her. I looked at Lightbulb. She was violently shaking. Lightbulb gets scared really easily. "Good job guys. Now she's traumatized." I started to poke her. "Lighty." I sighed. "Now I have to carry her to class." "You'll enjoy it~" Fan said winking. I blushed. "Shut up Fan! You don't know anything!" I picked Lightbulb up in a piggyback position and walked to the bathroom. (The bathrooms are gender neutral guys chill-) I walked into one of the stalls and locked it. I put Lightbulb down and she hugged me. She started to calm down a bit. Lightbulb always needs someone to hug while she goes through one of these episodes. Specifically, me. As she put her head in my chest, I played with her light yellow hair. Her breath became normal and I let her go "Do you feel better?" I asked her softly. She nodded. "I'm sorry I always have to bring you into these situations..." She said sadly. "It reminds me of when I used to cut and I don't like thinking about it." I hugged her. "It's ok Lighty, middle school was hard for all of us." I slowly let go of her and reached into my hair and pulled out Baxter. "Baxter!" She immediately grabbed him and hugged him. "You ready to go to class?" I asked Lightbulb. "Sure!" She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the stall and the bathroom. She dragged me to homeroom.

Leafy POV

I was waiting for the teacher to come when a person I had never seen before walked in with the teacher. "Class, this is our new student!" X said walking up the the front of the class with the new girl. "Uh, hi everyone! My name is Pin and I um, like to bake!" I blushed a little bit. Wait what? No Leafy, your straight. It must've been hot in the classroom. "You'll be sitting next to Leafy. Leafy raise your hand." I snapped back into reality and raised my hand. "She'll also be showing you around the school." Pin came and sat on my left. "H-Hi Leafy, nice to meet you! Sorry I'm a bit n-nervous when it c-comes to new people." Pin said. "She's pretty cute... wait what am i saying?!" "Y-You too! Do you maybe wanna sit with me at lunch? You can meet some of my friends." "S-Sure!" Just then the bell rung. As I got up from my seat, Teacher X stopped me and Pin. "You two have a free period so you can go around the school. Please don't do anything else." I nodded and walked out the classroom. "Just to let you know, this might take a while." I told Pin as I went to my locker. "It's ok! I don't might!"

When we had just got to the 3rd floor I bummed into my abusive ex-boyfriend, Firey. Keyword: abusive. "Get out of the way Firey, I'm showing the new girl around!" I said to him trying to get by. "Come on, just give me a second chance." "You had your chance now move." I tried to get around him but he kept on blocking the way. "Please? I've changed." "Sure you have! Now move!" "No. I'm not moving until you give me a second chance!" Pin just awkwardly stood there trying not to get involved. "No means no, Firey. Now can you please move?" "Just like you said, no means no." I pushed him and he almost fell backwards. "Ugh! That's it!" He then punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. I was starting to lose consciousness. I felt someone frantically shaking me trying to keep me awake. And then I blacked out.

Love me some good ol Lightbrush

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