Part 13

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Mayor Humdinger and his goons arrived at his lair, parking his van near the entrance. He grabbed Rocky and started walking towards the building. Rocky was getting scared as he started shaking, he didn't know what to do but brace himself for dear life. They brought him over to a cage and placed him inside it, closing the cage door. Rocky was in tears now as he felt like he would never see his parents, or his brother.

Mayor Humdinger: welcome to your new home little pup

Rocky: i..I don't want to be in this cage *sniffs* i..I'll be all alone in here

Mayor Humdinger: too bad, your staying in this cage, forever

Rocky: I don't want to *tears flowing* i..I want to go home

Mayor Humdinger: YOU'RE NEVER GOING HOME!!!!!!

Rocky: *gasps* b..but, my parents and my brother will miss me

Mayor Humdinger: they'll just forget about you. Besides, it's because you're a mixed breed and no one will ever remember you, once months pass by

Butch: hehe why do you think you're not chosen to be in the PAW Patrol?

Rocky: i..i..I don't know

Ruben: because you are a mixed breed and no one wants a dumb little smelly mixed breed like you

Rocky: *lowers head and ears*

Mayor Humdinger: and since you're a mixed breed, you are the perfect mixed breed pup to put your breed into extinction

Rocky: *gasps* no. You can't do that, p..please *tears flowing* I don't want to be forgotten

Butch: oh you will be forgotten, you will

Rocky: *Starts sobbing* no

Ruben: no wonder why they didn't choose him, he's also a little cry baby

Mayor Humdinger: face it little mutt, you will no longer be loved once we take care of business

They soon left Rocky to be alone in his cage, still in tears after what they had said to him. He wanted to be with his parents and brother again, but it seemed impossible to do so now. All he could do was just sit in his cage and let his tears fall down. He hoped that he would be saved, but would he be?

Zuma and Joshie were at Mayor Goodways, asking her if she saw Rocky. She said she did see a little gray pup getting Pupnaped by Mayor Humdinger. The two of them were in shock when she told them that, Zuma took Joshie back into his hovercraft to tell Ryder they were going to Mayor Humdingers lair. He wished them good luck and to be safe, which he promised him that he will.

Joshie: *sighs*

Zuma: you ok bwo?

Joshie: just really worried about Rocky

Zuma: yeah, me too Joshie. I'm hoping they don't do anything bad to him

Joshie: I can't stand being separated *breaths heavily* i....i..I can't

Zuma: dude, it's going to be ok Joshie. Don't you wowwy, I know we'we going to save him fwom that evil mayow

Joshie: I appreciate that Zuma

Zuma: of couwse, you guys awe my best fwiends and I'm not letting those idiots take that away

He continued down the road to the lair, with Joshie having tears run down on his face. He really misses his brother and wished that they could see each other again, but he didn't know if he was going to. He Flashbacked to alot of moments that he had with his brother, which made him start crying harder than ever. Zuma felt so bad for him as he continued driving. They finally managed to get to the lair as he got out of his hovercraft to go get Rocky out of there. He made Joshie stay put as he went in, hoping to save Rocky in time. Would he?

To Be Continued.

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