Part 15

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Mayor Humdinger arrived at the blimp that was left by the beach as he got out of the van, and then grabbed Zuma and Joshie out of the vehicle, forcing them to get on the blimp.


Mayor Humdinger: QUIET LITTLE PUP!!!!!!!!! Your precious Ryder won't be coming for you guys anytime soon! *laughed*

Joshie: w..what are you gonna do to

Mayor Humdinger: ooohhh make sure you two disappear forever

Zuma and Joshie: WHAT!!!!!!!!?!!??!!!!!

Mayor Humdinger: you heard me! Butch and Ruben!?

Butch and Ruben: yes boss!?

Mayor Humdinger: lock them up!

They did what they were told and placed both Zuma and Joshie in a cage, where a giant laser was, pointing at their cage. Humdinger told them that it was a disappearing laser and he was going to use it on the PAW Patrol. However, he was going to use it on them first.

Joshie: y..your a monster!

Mayor Humdinger: a monster? Oh no no no noooo, I'm just using this thing here to make you two disappear forever. And after that, I'll get the rest of the PAW Patrol and they will never ever be able to stop me from taking over as mayor of Adventure Bay!


Mayor Humdinger: oh Zuma, you can't stop me. You're just a useless chocolate Labrador, the PAW Patrol won't even remember you were even in the PAW Patrol *looks at Joshie* and speaking of not remembering

Joshie: *gasps* no!

Mayor Humdinger: oh yes! My henchmen here are going to make sure to get that mixed breed pup and make him disappear aswell. Hmhmhmhmmmm in fact, I'm going to make him watch you disappear, and then it's bye bye your brother. Besides, no one will even care or remember him once he is gone. He is barely even recognized as an actual pup breed, he's just a dumb mutt!

Joshie: *Starts getting angry* he is not a mutt! HE'S A MIXED BREED PUP!!!!!! AND HIS NAME IS ROCKY!!!!!!!!!!! *tears up* a..and he's my brother

Mayor Humdinger: too bad, so sad. Let's head on out!

The three goons left, leaving the two, Zuma and Joshie, in the cage. Joshie began to cry as he covered his face with his hands. Zuma came over to him and gave him a hug and patted Joshie's back to help him calm down. He was once again, separated from his brother Rocky and it made him feel extremely miserable. He just wanted him and his brother to be ok and back to together again. But he knew that, Rocky wasn't chosen to be in the PAW Patrol, but he was. However, he didn't know that Ryder changed his mind.

Zuma: it's gonna be ok dude *sighs* i..I pwomice

Joshie: *sniffs* a..are you sure Zuma? *sniffs*

Zuma: I pwomice buddy *pats Joshie's back* you'we one of my best fwiends bwo and I would nevew lie to you dude

Joshie: thanks Zuma *hugs Zuma* your the bestest friend ever bro

Zuma: aww thanks Joshie, so awe you bwo

They smiled at each other as Joshie started feeling a little better. But when it came to Rocky, he was in massive tears. Both of his parents tried to sooth him the best they could, but it was impossible for him.

J&R Mother: just got to stay strong sweetie

Rocky: *sniffs* w..what if they hurt h..him?

J&R Father: we promise Rocky, they won't. Atleast, we hope

Rocky: *breaths heavily*

J&R Mother: no no no no no Rocky, it's going to be honey

His mother put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. Which made Rocky to smile too, but he just really hoped his brother was going to be safe and sound. His mother then grabbed out two stuffed animals. One being Rocky's new Wolf plush, and the other was Joshie's fox plush. He smiled and grabbed the two plushies and hugged both of them. He thanked his parents for bringing their favorite stuffed animals with, it helped him calm down a bit. He looked at the fox plush and had a little tear drop down on it.

Rocky: please be ok pal *hugs the fox plush tightly* please

Ryder was driving down the road to see the giant purple blimp Suddenly start flying up, with a megaphone that mayor Humdinger made an announcement on.

Mayor Humdinger: greetings Adventure Bay! This is Mayor Humdinger speaking! I think it is time to make your precious paw patrol to disappear! Starting with Zuma!

Ryder: *gasps* no! Zuma!

Joshie: HELP!!!!!!

Mayor Humdinger: QUIET YOU!!!!!!!

Ryder: Joshie! He's in the blimp with Humdinger, I got to tell Rocky and his parents

Meanwhile, Rocky was still hugging the two plushies. His mother's phone started ringing as she picked it up, it was Ryder and he sounded panicky.

Ryder: Joshie is in the giant mayor Humdinger blimp and he's probably going to make him disappear, forever

Rocky: *gasps* Joshie no! *sobs*

Ryder: don't you worry Rocky. We are going to save him because we are the PAW Patrol!

Rocky: no! I'm going after them!

J&R Mother: Rocky no! It's too dangerous, i..I'm not going to loose my boys *tears up*

Rocky: it's gonna be ok mom, I promise, I'm going to be ok

J&R Mother: *pats Rocky on the head* i...I love you sweetheart *sniffs*

Rocky: *tears up* I love you too mom and dad

He got out of the car and ran straight over to the giant blimp. He managed to get onto the blimp as he sighed a breath of relief. His mother and father wished him good luck, they were all counting on him.

Mayor Humdinger: Time to disappear Zuma forever

Zuma: *gasps* please don't do this bwo

Mayor Humdinger: oh I will do it bwo

Zuma: stop making fun of my speech pwoblem!

Mayor Humdinger, Butch, and Ruben: *laughed at Zuma*

Zuma: *sniffs* stop

Mayor Humdinger: stooooop haaa little whimp

Zuma: *Starts sobbing*

Joshie: Hey! Zuma may have a speech impediment, but that's what makes him a unique pup. I think I like how he pronounces his r's with a W

Zuma: weally mean that Joshie?

Joshie: *hugs Zuma* of course I do cause you are an awesome pup bwo

Zuma: *smiled and hugged back* thank you Joshie

Joshie: *let's go and held out his hand* pals?

Zuma: pals!

Mayor Humdinger: ughhhhh friendship bleeehhh

Joshie: *became angry* shut it!

Mayor Humdinger: oh really?

He opened the cage and grabbed Joshie out of it. He placed him on the table, setting up the laser as Rocky finally came in the room.

Rocky: *gasps* no

Mayor Humdinger: huh! It's that little mutt!

Joshie: ROCKY HELP ME!!!!!!!!! he's going to make me disappear


Mayor Humdinger: how *pressed the button*

The laser shot at Joshie and as it was finally finished, mayor Humdinger turned it off, to reveal Joshie was gone.

Rocky: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Be Continued.

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