Unexpected visits/ Chapter 4

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~⚠️ Warnings⚠️~

Dave's P.O.V.

I go downstairs, someone was in the door, I suppose is Peter with Blackjack... Remember Dave just smile...

Dave: Hello Peter! What's ne-

No- It can't be him, he is dead...

Henry: Hello William.

That smile, that smile... This must be a joke, he is dead, he is dead, he is de-

Henry: William?

Dave: My name is Dave, and you know it well... This is a joke?

Henry: You offend me William, Now I can't see my son?

Okay, It's him

Dave: I stop being your son in a long time. What are... You doing here?

Henry: That's not a good way to talk to your father...

Dave: You are not my father!

Henry: Oh I see... I rise you, I give you everything that is necessary, I give you a house, a home and. That's how you pay me back?

Dave: You never give me a home and you never cared for me.

Henry: I believe I have to let you in the streets that night...

Dave: ...

Henry: Or maybe that's how you are now, you changed when you meet them...


Henry: It was for the 2 rotury phones?, the mutt?, the sock puppet? or... The gigantic soulless orange infant... I must say he's a cancer. Oh excuse me, you know him as Jack.

Dave: Don't you dare to talk about him like that.

Narrador P.O.V

Dave was about to snap... He doesn't like that others talk about his orange baby like that... And it was worse when "others", was Henry.

Henry: So you changed for Jack, please "Dave", everyone knows that he just use you... Who wants to be with someone like you?

Dave: Don't try to manipulate me Henry, I'm not like I were before.

Henry: Oh I suppose we do i that way.

Dave: Henry-

Get the fuck out of my house and leave the Kennedys and me alone.

Henry leave peacefully and Dave just shut the door and seat in the couch thinking of how he do with the others to defeat Henry again.

~In other place~
Dee's P.O.V

I'm very happy, now Jack was with us ¡Peter and Steven for sure were to stop see me as a kid and were to give me a congrats! Or they will punish me, we were walking in the neighbor when...

Matt: Hello scary puppet girl and ¿¡Scary orange man?!

Jack: Hello Matt, still a virgin?

Matt: How are you here? Everyone was thinking you stop existing!

Jack: What can I say ... I always come back.

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