Gia finally takes revenge

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We arrived at the gang. We got out of the cars and loaded our guns, I was the first one to run to the door and shot the people who guarded it. We forced the door and we went on killing the bastards. Saving all the young people there. I entered room by room and suddenly i found a girl laying on a bedroom floor. She was handcuffed and had ducttape that covered her mouth, she looked so vulnerable and weak. Poor girl. She was looking at me scared. She was shaking. I ran over to her and forced the handcuffs open. I took the ducttape from her mouth carefully so I would't hurt her. She looked into my eyes, and i swear ive seen those eyes somewhere.

Girl: thank you so much

She spoke weakly.

Me: don't mention it. Can you walk?
Girl: I don't think I can...

I picked her up and got out. I saw Michael, he ran to me. I noticed he had a shot wound in his arm.

Me: are you okay?
Mike: yes im fine. Who is this?
Me: she is innocent. Are we safe?
Mike: almost
Me: make sure I can get her to my car safely, cover me.

He nodded and we ran trough the building. Michael shot everyone who got in our way. When we finaly reached the car, I put the girl in the back seat, so she could lay down. Michael and I went back inside and helped our gangmembers. After about 10 minutes we killed everyone and the fight was over. At least, that was what I thought. We were all returning to our cars. When suddenly we heard someone behind us.

???: well well well, look who we have here!

We all turned around. Guns ready.

I looked at the man that stood there with an evil smirk plastered on his face, his eyes on me. His stare gave me the chills. Deep down inside I knew I had seen this man before. He looked at me, still smirking evily.

Man: sooo. I see little Gia grew up. Well, what a nice beautiful young lady you are.

I couldn't help but to feel intimidated by his words.

Me: who are you?

I coldly asked, seeying he held a knife in each hand. His smirk got wider.

Man: what? You don't remember me anymore? I was a friend of your parents. I knew them for 10 years, they trusted me and they were good to me. They were real friends. Back then I used to play with Charis, you know.. your little sister. And I played with you. But you weren't as open as your sister was. Your sister trusted easyly. You on the other hand, kept yourself on a distance until you knew it was alright. You were a smart girl. And oh my, did you grew up fine!

He still smirked at me. I had these vague images of the past, and I saw him. But still, my mind wasn't able to remember alot.

Man: I was a verry good friend of your parents Gia. I really was.

I stared at him.

Me: then why don't I have a good feeling about you? I don't trust you.

His smirk got even wider. If that possibly could. And I sure as hell didn't like it.

Man: because Gia, I was the one that really killed your parents.

Images shot trough my head. Images of that verry moment.. the murder.. and indeed, I saw this man. The man standing right infront of my nose, the man I wanted to get my revenge on for so long, I glared at him in anger.
He smirked really hard when he spoke again.

Man: I saw the happiness Gia, the joy of having a family was plastered all over their faces, constantly smiling because they loved eachother, you and your sister so dearly. You 2 were dreams of kids, the perfect family.. I didn't like the happiness and joy they had, so I killed them. First I stabbed your father, who begged me not to do it, he said he would give me everything If id leave his family alone. But I didn't care one bit. I just stabbed him and watched him scream while your mother was protecting your sister, begging me to stop. So after your dad was bleeding to death on the floor, I stabbed your mother, and watched her scream as your sister watched, how someone she trusted, was killing her parents s i coldly. My men took her and forced her to watch her parents die. You weren't there, I thought you were with your aunt, so we left. We took your little terrified sister with us. And used her to cook, clean, do the laundry . And when she got older, we had a great time raping her. We did everything you can imagine with her.

He was telling me this with so much pride. As if he had done it with love and passion. I felt a wave of pure rage flooding my whole body. I grabbed my knife as he came closer to me. Closing the distance between us. My rage, frustrations, anger, fear, tears, and pain became a mixture that took the best of me. All I wanted right now was to get my revenge I had been wanting to take for so long. It took a serious hold of me.

Me: I bet that, as much as you want to , you can't kill me. Because you are too scared, a frightened little girl that wants her parents back, frozen by everything I said. Oohh I had so much fun killing your parents 14 years ago.

I stared at him in disgust and in a quick motion, I stabbed him in the ribs, fire burning in my eyes. He held back a scream as I twisted and turned the knife between his ribs.

Me: I was there, I saw it all, I loved my parents and sister.... you took that away from me. My life..... YOU TOOK IT! you killed my parents and made them suffer, now im gonna make you suffer... you were dead wrong about me, you don't know me. You took everything I had away from me. You are gonna die a painfull death, and I am gonna enjoy every second of it.

I stabbed him again, the knife penetrated a way trough his shoulderblade, and then his other one. Making him drop his knives and scream in pain. Now it was my time to smirk, I made him suffer for 30 minutes, I made him scream and squirm, I stabbed Him in his leg . I stabbed his private area, he screamed loudly . He raped my sister! So I didn't see why I shouldn't do this. I cut off his hands, the hands that killed my parents, and touched my sister. I yelled


And with that I rammed the knife in his heart, he fell on the floor, lifeless, I killed him... and it felt great.
I looked at his dead body and smirked. I slowly turned around, seeying all my gangmembers, including Michael, staring at his dead body, they all had a shocked expression of their face. I slowly walk over to Michael who was still speechless, eyes glued on the dead man. I slowly rubbed his chest, it made him get out of his trance, he looked at me. Clearly still speechless.

Mike: Gia... how... wow girl, I didn't knew you had that in you...

Me: well, if you live your life, with frustrations, anger and pain locked up inside of you. You wouldve done the same.

Then the adrenaline in my body died down and I started crying. He hugged me as I cried on his chest. He held me close

Mike: shhh .. It's okay sweety, its all over now.

Me: I know. Its just that I can't see my sister or parents ever again.

Then I hear the girl I saved

Girl: Gia? Is that you?

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