This is the Part Where You Run

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"When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain. Good and evil. A savior and a lost cause. But what if the only real difference is who's telling the story?" Hope's voice over said. Hope is walking towards the gates at the front of the Salvatore Boarding School. "My name is Hope Mikaelson. I come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in-between. The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like us." Hope's voice over said. She looked up at the full moon. ""And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new." Hope's voice over said.

Atlanta, Georgia

Landon Kirby and his foster brother, Rafael Waithe, are walking down the street toward the Catholic church in their neighborhood. "Rafael! Seriously, it's not right." Landon said exasperatedly. "It is what it is, Landon." Rafael said. "You're not Catholic! You shouldn't have to confess your sins." Landon said. "I tossed a lawnmower through the patio doors, bruh! If apologizing to God gets Hector and Maria off my back, so be it." Rafael said. The two walk into the church, where their foster parents, Hector and Maria, are standing at the sacristy with their priest. Rafael looks nervous as he goes to greet the priest. "Buenas tardes, Father Pietro." Rafael said. (Translation : good evening, Father Pietro).

"Buenas tardes, Rafael. Por favor, pray with
me." Father Pietro said. Rafael takes a deep breath and drops down on his knees in front of the priest, and their foster parents turn toward Landon, who looks confused by the scene in front of him. "Landon, you can leave now. It's okay, we can take it from here." Hector said. "I'm good, Hector." Landon said. Maria walks over to Landon. "Landon, this is between your foster brother and God, okay?" Maria asked in a soft voice. Rafael, sensing Landon's apprehension, turns to look at him. "Hey, I got it, bro. Just wait outside." Rafael said.

Landon sighs and reluctantly does as he's told, walking out the door toward the stairs at the entrance while Hector and Maria follow after him. Once he's outside, Landon sits on the steps, put in his earbuds, and begins listening to some music, pulling out a small journal from his coat pocket and beginning to write. Once he's distracted by his writing and his music, Hector begins wrapping chains around the interior door handles, locking them with a padlock while Maria watches anxiously and holds a rosary in her hands.

Father Pietro begins the ritual in Latin, with both himself and Rafael making the sign of the cross before they begin to pray. "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus...." Father Pietro prayed. (Translation : in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit...). "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst..." Rafael said, continuing the prayer. Father Pietro pours some holy water onto his fingers and anoints Rafael's forehead with it. Rafael suddenly becomes uneasy, not recognizing this part of the prayer. "Deus, cui próprium et miseréri semper et párcere." Father Pietro said. (Translation : god, whose nature is ever merciful and forgiving.).

Father Pietro holds up a wooden cross in front of Rafael's face. This shows that this is more of an exorcism than it is a prayer. "Súscipe deprecatiónem nostram; ut hunc famulum tuum contentus abit!" Father Pietro said. (Translation : accept our prayer that this servant of yours departs!). "What's going on here? " Rafael asked uneasily. "Súscipe deprecatiónem nostram; ut hunc fárnulum tuum contentus abit!" Father Pietro said again. Rafael stood up. "What?" He asked. Suddenly, Hector and Maria grab Rafael by the shoulders and hold him in place while the priest continues the exorcism.

"Súscipe deprecatiónem nostram; ut hunc famulum tuum contentus abit! Súscipe deprecatiónem nostram; ut hunc famulum tuum contentus abit!" Father Pietro said repeatedly. "What are you doing?" Rafael asked worried. "Et impius discedite!" Father Pietro shouted. (Translation : then impious one, DEPART!). Rafael is in the middle of using all of his strength to try to break free from his foster parents' hold when his bones start breaking and reforming under his skin. Scared, Hector and Maria let go of him as he drops on all fours and begins to transform. The priest continues to speak even as Hector and Maria let go of Rafael, unsure of what is happening.

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