An Awkward Morning

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The skeleton with the drippy eyes smirks, "Name's Killer. It's a pleasure, really." He goes to shake your hand, one hand behind his back. A small target that floated infront of his chest began to glow.

You went to shake his hand but quickly retracted your gesture as Cross pulls Killer's other hand from being his back, taking a knife from him. "They're our guest, so behave."

As Killer began to rebuttal, Horror spoke. His voice was so low it scared you at first, you didn't know it was possible for someone's voice to be so deep, "I'm Horror." He didn't make any effort to shake your hand or anything, it didn't even look like he was going to speak again.

"He's a man of few words. Until you get to know him at least." Nightmare informed you, noticing your questioning look. Horror nodded slightly, crossing his arms and looking off to the side as if he were embarrassed. "Now, you four follow me so (Y/N) can eat. We need to go over your jobs for today."

The skeletons quickly left the room after Nightmare, leaving you alone again. It's kind of a relief, you don't often eat with other people around. As you look around the kitchen, you noticed some scrambled eggs and bacon sitting on the stove with a plate on the counter nearby. Did they leave that for you?

You made your plate and take a seat at the table in the middle of the room, eating quietly. Every once in a while, you'd hear bits and pieces of the conversation happening in the other room. Whatever Nightmare told them, Killer clearly was unhappy about it. You chuckle a little as you hear him whine and complain. A quick remark from Cross made him shut up and sigh loudly.

You finished eating and went to explore. You couldn't find any of the skeletons anywhere, they must've already left while you cleaned up after yourself. As you walk around the castle halls you realized it was a bit smaller than you originally thought. There was the kitchen, a formal dining area, a living room, and what you imagined was the throne room, but it was full of stuff like a storage room.

Upstairs was the office where Nightmare patched you up, the guest room you were in, and five other rooms, each one having a picture label on the door. It wasn't hard to figure out which door belonged to who, Killer's had a target, the door with the large X on it matched Cross's outfit, Dust had a knife similar to the one he had clipped to his waist, Nightmare's was likely the one with the dark goopy apple, and that left the Axe as Horror's.

You decided not to go snooping into their rooms and continued down the hall. There was one big bathroom not far from the bedrooms, it had a few hygiene items that seemed color coded or had huge letters like "K" or "D" written on them. It was kinda strange how many things had labels, did skeletons really need all this stuff? They're just bones after all.

You went back downstairs to the living room to sit on the couch and wait for someone to come back. It's better than snooping around when you're still a stranger here after all. They're already nice enough to let you stay, best not push your luck about it.

After about half an hour of waiting, you heard a loud thud from the storage room making you jump up from the couch. There's no way they're already back, right? Cautiously you made your way to investigate. On your way there you stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. If anyone was trespassing here you wouldn't hesitate to pull a Rapunzel on them.

When you got to the room, you noticed a box had fallen over. You crouched down to observe it, slow as to not pull open your wounds. Just as you picked up the mess there was a rustling behind you. Gripping your frying pan, you prepared to turn around and face the potential threat head on.

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