A Wave of Realization

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You questioned what weapon might work for you. A sword, a comically sized pair of scissors, sickles, a spear, a mace? Surely, something that can be used better as defense would work. Not to mention you’d have to be able to carry it around without hindering yourself. You didn’t want to cause damage to anyone unless it was necessary, plus you didn’t really have combat training so using an offensive weapon would be outside your skillset.

A hand on your shoulder causes you to jump up off the back steps, panic rising in your chest. “Whoa, calm down. You’re okay.” Cross’ voice broke into your racing mind. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologizes quickly, taking a step back from you.

You shake your head in an attempt to calm yourself, crossing your arms, “No, I’m sorry I didn't realize you were right there.” Rubbing the back of your head you take a shaky breath in, finally slowing your racing heart.

“Whatever you were thinking about had more than our full attention. We’ve been talking for a while and you didn’t even acknowledge anything.” Dust comments, adjusting his scarf.

“You finished your training?” You asked, now questioning how long you’ve been lost in thought.

“About half an hour ago. It was a decent training session. About an hour or so,” Cross answers, now motioning over to the side of the castle, “Really tired those two out.” You followed where he pointed and you saw Killer and Horror leaning against the wall, using the hose to cool down.

It was weird to see them act so… normal. You could recall stories of a group of murderers just like these five, but they didn’t fit the description. Well, they looked and sounded like the stories, but they didn’t act like it. The monsters you heard about were cruel, these guys were kind of like a family of goofballs. “Well that’s good. I guess?” You answer quietly.

Nightmare looks you up and down, motioning for Cross and Dust to go inside. As the two turned away, he spoe, “Your mind is clouded with a negative aura. Something is bothering you. What is it?” His tone was slightly demanding underneath a calm concern. Did he know you were thinking about him and his friends like that?

“Um… Well… You mentioned before that you guys are seen as villains… and you’re all so similar to this story I’ve heard. A story of these evil, cruel, and murderous monsters. They killed people, innocent people, without a care for consequence or mercy. You said yourself that you were not as evil and cruel as others say you are. Is that because those monsters are all of you?”

He seemed taken aback by your answer, his dripping ink becoming much thicker with a somewhat irritated gaze. Before Nightmare responded to you, he took a deep breath, “Yes. Those stories are about us. And of course, that’s what you have heard about us. But our actions, their actions, are misunderstood. Yes, Dust and Killer did kill many people in their past, it’s a part of their trauma. One out of fear, the other gaslit into thinking it was the only way. They will always carry the consequences of their actions, but they have left that behind them, far behind them. They don’t kill anymore and fight themselves to keep it that way. Sure, they may rough a few people up from time to time, but they don’t kill unless it’s necessary for their safety or simply an accident. I, myself, have injured many and even killed a few people when I first changed into what I am now. I was out of control and couldn’t stop it. I do not kill anymore either. Threaten to, sure, but I do not follow through. Horror has never killed anyone, at least as far as I am aware. Every choice he made in his universe was merely to survive in the harsh world he had to live in. Cross has only killed because he had no choice. He shared his soul with a demon and was controlled by a very bad man, he did many things he deeply regrets. Each of us had our reasons that we could not change and cannot take back, because we had no choice.”

You look away, hearing this story shaking your mindset to the core. “I didn’t realize… I’m sorry. But that still isn’t right, you did kill and hurt so many people. Even if it was a mistake it’s still”

“(Y/N), if you see our past need for survival, our blindness to our actions, our consequences as cruel or evil,” He interrupts, putting his hand up to stop you, “ then you may need to rethink your definitions. That, or you can leave. They have been through too much already. I will not be having someone who cannot see past their mistakes stay under my roof.”

He walks by you, a cold harsh aura radiating from him as he passes. A deep chill travels through your spine. A tear drips down your cheek, surprising you. You were upset that even mentioned the idea, but not enough to cry. Was this Nightmare’s emotions seeping into you because of his magic? Did he really feel so strongly about this?

After a while of standing in your guilt, you went inside and up to your room. The Horror gave you a wave as you passed, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him. Thoughts of what you said and Nightmare’s making it too difficult. He had a horrible life before coming here, yet every time you looked at him you were scared of him doing something he may have experienced himself.

As you plop down on the bed, your gaze traveled to the window. Light peaks through like the sun through clouds. If what Nightmare said is true, and after seeing his reaction you honestly believe it was, then maybe everything you heard was wrong. You began to compare the versions of the skeletons you met, and the ones you’ve heard about.

Horror was big and scary looking, just like the stories. But the stories describe him as a bloodthirsty creature who eats anything that squirms in his grasp, heartless, and finding any excuse to cause damage or kill someone. Yet, he was so gentle and kindhearted, full of concern for you when you had gotten hurt because of him, and he was careful of his every move.

Killer is described as a dangerously bubbly sociopath, toying with his victims and making a game out of his desire to kill. In reality, he was a joking and annoying guy with twisted humor. Although he did try stabbing you when you first met, he acted like it was all a joke made just for him. He did that a few times to the others and never actually stabbed them, or it was a fake weapon he stabbed them with.

You hadn’t heard much about Cross, other than the fact that he was a vicious henchman with the ability to change the way the fight plays out. That didn’t seem quite right either. He was more like a lost dog just trying to please the guy in charge.

Dust was so quiet that you hadn’t got to know him very well, but he didn’t seem like the psychopath he was described as. He seemed playful in his own way, picking on the others like an older brother would, he was just antisocial.

Nightmare was the one that seemed the most different. The creature of darkness and death that was supposed to bring fear and pain to all those in his path seemed like a fairytale when compared to the cautious and fatherly skeleton you’ve met. When he raised his voice at you earlier he was very scary and his aura did affect you, but it seemed like he always tries to fight that part of him.

You rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling. If these guys were what people called ‘cruel’, maybe you did need to rethink what you call cruel. Out of every skeleton you’ve seen so far in your life, the only cruel one was the one that destroyed your world. He was truly evil, truly a monster.

You quickly sit up, making your way over to the small vanity on the opposite side of the room. You started at your expression as determination, anger, and justice cross your face. No matter what, you'll make sure that monster doesn't get away with what he did. As you roll up your sleeves you whisper a promise to yourself, "He will rue the day he destroyed my world."

Quickly you made your way out of the room and down the hall. It's time you stopped moping about like a scared child. It's time you act on the emotions you tried to bury when you arrived here. If these skeletons can use their past to work against the things that might have caused them pain, so would you.

Today is the day you take your first step to vengeance.

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