The First Session

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You march your way to Nightmare's office, preparing yourself to demand that you train with the skeletons who took you in. Sure, you kind of insulted the whole group right to the leader's face, but you understood now that it was wrong. Nightmare will get it, won't he? You hoped so.

Knocking on his door, you stood with your head high, keeping the best confidence stance you could. Time seemed to drag on for ages before he opened the door, seeming unsurprised to see you.

"(Y/N). What do you need? Make it quick. I have other things to deal with." He sighed, his gaze still stern from your previous conversation, making your confidence quickly shrink.

Clearing your throat and tryin to gather yourself, you speak, "Nightmare. I understand I have wronged you all by what I said. I apologize for the closed mind I had. I thought about what you told me. I want to stay. I want to train with you and the others." You tried to keep your hands still as you waited for an answer.

Nightmare casts a glance behind him before stepping out and shutting the door behind him. "Why?" he asks simply.

"What you told me, about the others, I think I understand it. They were hurt, you helped them, and now they try to make that hurt stop, right?" You begin, desperately grabbing at the quickly flying strength you had to even attempt this conversation.

"I suppose."

"If it helps them, doing whatever it is they do, I'd like to see if it helps me."

"What exactly is it that will help you?" He asks, arms crossed now in a hidden curiosity.

You froze for a moment at the question. Did you even know the answer? "I'm not sure." You admitted quietly.

"(Y/N), I cannot guarantee that whatever it is you were thinking will help. But if you honestly think you understand a way to feel better about it all, I guess it is fine. As long as you are cautious and take your time. Do not rush into it."

A warmth spreads in your body at his acceptance of your request. "Thank you, sir. This means a lot. I promise I-"

His hand silences you again as he turns to reenter his office, "You are dismissed. If you can convince someone to train with you today, you may begin. But only in dodging for now. No weapons yet."

You nod excitedly, trying to stay still as you began to devise a plan to get started. Nightmare rubs the bridge of his nose and retreats back to his office, locking the door behind him.

As you rushed down the stairs, the sight of Cross and Dust made you smile. "Hey, guys. What's up?" You greeted, waving at them before rushing over.

Cross glances over at you and gives a small wave back, "Hello, (Y/N). You seem rather pumped. Take a good nap or something?"

Dust rolls his eyes and crosses his arms with the shake of his head. "They probably want something. Killer acts just like this when he wants something." He mumbles half to himself.

"That isn't quite it, Dust. I was wondering if either of you'd be willing to train me?" You asked, half smiling in an attempt to persuade them a bit easier.

"Nice try, Human. We used most of our magic up in training. We won't be able to train for a few hours." Dust answers you quickly. As he did, his eye lights seemed to change slightly.

"It's not combat, it's dodging. At least for now," you added in a hopeful way.

Cross thinks a moment with a small hum, "I think I could use my guard training to get you started. It'll be tough though, I have no idea how it'll translate to a human. Although once we transfer over the basics the rest should be easy."

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