Taking Care of Yourself

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Silence filled the air as the four of you looked at each other expectantly. "Well if you have no ideas I'm going to train." Dust speaks again, walking out to the courtyard,"Join me if you'd like." He closes the door behind him, leaving Cross, Horror, and yourself still standing in the hall.

The two remaining skeletons glance at each other and Horror approaches you, "(Y/n). Go see Boss. You're hurt. I'm sorry." His words made him far less intimidating, his concern seeming not to match his tall figure. Before you could respond, he interrupted you, "Please."

Cross nods in agreement from behind him and you feel yourself sigh. "Okay. I will." You reassure them, feeling bad if you made them worry. They barely knew you and were still very concerned for you. It was strange to think about if you were being honest.

"We'll leave you to it then. Horror and I have to go on a supply run so it'll just be you, Boss, Dust, and Killer here until we get back." Cross explains while he motions for Horror to follow him. The two left, and now you stood alone in the hall, Mister sitting at your feet as if she was making sure you'd follow your word.

You pet her gently and head upstairs to find Nightmare. It didn't take very long, the door at the end of the hall was open and Nightmare was sitting at his desk. He looks up at you as you gently knock on the open door. "Hello. Come in." He invited, setting his quill down. You sit down across from him, nerves suddenly pulling you again. "I assume you're here for your open side wound?"

How did he know? He didn't mention it before, infact he only asked if you were okay. "Yes sir." You admit, trying to clear your head of the racing thoughts. "I didn't want the others to worry about it."

Nightmare takes the first aid kit from his desk, pulling a chair up next to you so he could look it over. "Horror asked you to see me, didn't he?" Nightmare carefully gets to work as you lift your shirt a little.

"Mhm. He was worried I guess."

"Indeed. I suggest you take it easy, try not to go up and down the stairs more than needed. Maybe find a hobby. There's plenty of things lying around, I'm sure you'll find something to pique your interest."

As he finished cleaning the cut and reapplying bandages you feel the pain from his work slowly start to fade. His eyes glow gently with magic for moment and he looks back up at you, "There. You're good to go. If you need anything, ask the first person you see. Once Dust and Horror return we will have lunch."

"Thank you, sir." You answer, standing up and turning to leave.

"Please, call me Nightmare. The others only call me sir when they're working. Sometimes they forget that I don't need a title like that. It's best if you don't get stuck in the same 'sir' and 'boss' stuff." He sits back down at his desk, beginning to write again.

"Okay. Thank you, Nightmare." You correct yourself, heading to the room you stayed in last night. As soon as you stepped through the door, tiredness took over your whole body. You collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep within seconds.

You walk around the woods, sounds of birds chirping above you and small animals scurrying in the bushes calmed you and made you smile. Everything was peaceful and beautiful, and you never wanted to leave. Exploring the flourishing woods you suddenly realize that for the past few minutes, you've been walking in silence. Something was wrong. "(Y/n)!" A voice you don't recognize calls out to you from somewhere in the undergrowth.

You step back, knowing that whoever just yelled your name is likely a threat. it called out again, "(Y/n)! (Y/n) where are you?" Footsteps approach you as the voice continues. You were gonna be found if you didn't move now but you couldn't get yourself to run. As the bushes in front of you rustle you were able to run, booking it far away. Just as you turned to run you caught a glimpse of the person who called to you, a child. They were short and dressed in gray, but you didn't stay to see much else.

You ran as fast as you could, pushing through branches and ferns. Where were you going? Nowhere specific, just far from that kid. You check to see if they were pursuing you when suddenly you didn't feel the ground beneath your feet and you felt yourself fall.

You jolt awake, heart racing and chest tight from anxiety. It was only a nightm-... A bad dream. You brush your hair out of your face and sit up in your bed. A knock at the door tore you from your recollection of the dream, "Food's ready." Horror's voice calls through the door.

Hearing this you realized just how hungry you were and you were grateful for the timing. Getting out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen alongside Killer and Cross. Food may clear your head. Maybe. At least you hoped so.

Everyone arrived at the kitchen at the same time, making their food and sitting at the table. You sat between Nightmare and Horror, or rather they sat themselves next to you. They probably wanted to keep an eye on you, which you didn't mind, but you felt so small sitting between them.

Afterwards you went to watch them train, each in a different way. Killer and Dust fought with each other, nightmare was off by himself, Horror practiced dodging Cross' magic attacks, something it seemed he wasn't good at.

As you watched them fight, it dawned on you that you were the odd one out. Even if they didn't use it, they all had magic to help them when they needed protection or to cause damage. You were just a human. You didn't have magic. As you sat there, you began to think for a moment. If that monster that destroyed your home ever shows his face again, how will you fight him? How would you even survive again? It's a miracle you were even alive now to begin with. You needed to find a way to defend yourself, a way to fight. The others seemed to already have weapons that helped them.

What would you use if you had a choice?
(Answer in the comments and maybe your weapon will be chosen as the weapon for the MC. Pick wisely, for it may change the way some scenes play out. Will you lean more to offense or defense? I can't say which is right, only that I can't wait to see it what you pick!)

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