Panic and Existential Crisis

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A dark feeling courses through you as you walk down the all too familiar streets of your hometown. Busy people walk alongside you, barely giving you a glance as they quickly walk to their destinations. A loud sound makes you stand in your tracks as panic ensues all around. Everyone was desperate to push past each other and run forward, turning you into a rock fighting against rushing rapids. 

As the crowd began to thin, you turned to face the cause of this stampede of people. What you turned to face sent shivers down your spine, a monster whose face you will never forget, Error. He was walking through the city, suspended on bone steps that appeared out of thin air as he made his way through the air. "Another useless universe," he cackled as he pulled strings from his eyes, "Forgotten and in need of destruction."

You took a step back as he drew closer, his strings beginning to fly out like a vine threatening to choke everything around it. It was as if he was speaking directly to you as he keeps getting closer, "When I'm done with this place, nothing, no one, will remain. I'll make sure of that." With a quick movement of Error's hand, the buildings that once towered so proudly above you began to crumble and fall.

Desperately, you try to outrun the falling debris. Each step barely saved you from being crushed beneath the wave of concrete.No matter how hard you pushed, you felt yourself growing slower and slower until you fell beneath the rubble. Darkness surrounds you and the air grows heavy with despair as you wait for someone to find you. Ages passed and no one came.

Just as you began to give up, light floods your vision and you find yourself standing in a huge white space, quiet, empty, and desolate. "Hello?" you called out in an effort to figure out where exactly you were. No response came.

Quietly, you made your way around this unusual space, searching for.... Well, you weren't too sure. As you continued to walk, you began to notice a figure in the distance. They seemed not to notice you as they stood there without saying anything or even moving.

Cautiously, you approached the figure. As you got closer the person began to look familiar. They were dressed in gray, the height of a child, and as they turned to you, you saw that they had no eyes. Their empty gaze pierced through you as you both stood in silence for a few moments.

"(Y/N)." They spoke in a soft voice.

You gulped, trying to push your anxiety aside, "Y-yes?"

The child begins to speak urgently, their tone hushed, "(Y/N), you shouldn't be here yet. We will meet in person when the time is right. For now you need to return to consciousness. Do not fall victim to lies or to your own power. If it has too much of you, you will be lost."

"What are you talking about? When are we going to meet? Who are you?" You ask, demanding answers.

The ground beneath you starts to sway and your vision starts to go blurry as the figure speaks again, "Wake up. Your questions will be answered in time. Go!"

You sit up quickly, still hearing the echoes of the child's voice. Go, wake up. Taking deep breaths in an attempt to clear your mind you decide to try and find the others. Maybe they can help you forget that ominous warning.

After getting ready for the day, you made your way downstairs, the words of your dream still echoing in your mind. We will meet in person when the time is right. What did that even mean? Why have you seen this kid twice now?

"Are you okay there, (Y/N)?" Killer's voice cuts into your thoughts, "I'd expect you to at least say something back to me." He was standing against the wall not far ahead of you, arms crossed and head tilted.

You put your hands in your pocket, "Oh yeah I'm fine, just a bit distracted. What did you say?" You walk up to him and give him a slight smile as he suddenly becomes awkward.

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