Always The Same....

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You walked quietly through the familiar hallways of your school, but something wasn't right. Silence filled the air around you and made your hair stand on end as your footsteps echoed. Without warning, darkness suddenly flooded around you, choking you like thick water as everything you knew disappeared in an instant. You tried to call out but your voice caught in your throat.

Picking up your pace, you continued into the shadows, hoping you could find a way out. You tried to track down a door, stepping toward where you had seen a wall moments ago. Space greeted you as you reached for the wall. Panic rose in your chest as you took a few more steps, but still nothing. Turning around, you tried the other direction, after all, you may have gotten turned around. Nothing. You were now not only blinded but in a large, unknown space.

You fall to your knees, trying to calm yourself and come up with a way to escape this void. Your mind only continued to race. After a few moments you finally calmed down and had a game plan: get up, walk in a straight line, find a wall, or anything, that would help you. Collecting yourself and standing up, you enact your plan.

You walked on for several minutes with no success. You walk faster in an attempt to find the exit soon. Soon your walk shifts into a run. As you ran you became aware of a low hum echoing around you, slowly getting louder. This caused you to stop dead in your tracks and listen for the source of the sound.

As you find the direction the sound is coming from you jerk awake, blinking away the strange dream. The humming sound continued until you reached for your phone to turn off your alarm with a deep sigh. Today is another day, and it was going to be a long one. You sit up, stretching and yawning away your tiredness before getting ready for work. Like clockwork, you get into your uniform, eat breakfast, and check your pockets for your phone, keys, wallet, and anything else you would usually take with you before heading out.

The city was busy, like usual, as you made your way to the bus stop. Your dream still clouded your mind as you waited, goosebumps beginning to form on your skin. A loud honk brought you from your thoughts. The bus driver was glaring at you, the door wide open. He must be waiting for you to get on. "Sorry, sir." You respond quietly as you quickly board and find a seat.

Work dragged on for what felt like forever. Every few costumers you had a Karen who yelled and threw a fit, causing the day to drag even more. You barely got a break, and it didn't last 15 minutes before your boss needed you back.

The sign that time was actually moving was your only sanity. If you didn't have a clock visible to you, you swear, you'd lose it.

As the day came to a close, you didn't hesitate to clock out and leave. You never stayed past when you were scheduled. There's a certain time for a reason, and if you don't have to be there, you won't be there.

As you stepped out into the busy sidewalk you were quickly swept away by the many rushing people. You kept pace and managed not to get bumped into too many times, surprisingly. That's when something strange happened.

A loud thundering sound echoed through the city, but how could there be thunder with no clouds? That's when chaos broke out all around you as people began to run past you, shouting and trying to get away from something up ahead. You tried to stand against the crowd to see the cause of this panic. However, you were quickly thrown to the ground. In a desperate attempt to protect yourself, you covered your head and lay there, being trampled by the many feet running over you.

By the time the crowd cleared you felt as if you couldn't move, pain searing in your body. Loud and almost mechanical laughter sounded from above you. You look up at the figure farther down the street, it stood on long black bone jutting from the ground. Immediately you recognized the figure as a monster. Your fear, and the pain of just being trampled, froze you in place. How did a monster end up here in the city?

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