A Little Insight

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Killer laughs hysterically at his puns, quickly being silenced as Dust hits him upside the head. "I barely got here and you're already making jokes?" he grumbled as he walks by, sticking his hand back in his pocket.

"OW! I'm only trying to be friendly you Asshole." Killer retaliated, rubbing his skill where Dust whacked him. "Besides it was funny."

Horror stands up, holding Mister I'm his arms and looking unamused. You shake your head as Dust looks at you for confirmation on Killer's comment. "See? They don't think it's funny."

Killer scoffs, "Horror doesn't find anything funny. And (Y/N) is only saying that because they don't understand our humor." He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.

"I get it, I'm just not a fan of it. Especially since it's coming from an event that could've ended poorly." You comment, fed up with him acting so cocky. When he looked taken aback it made you smile. Dust and Horror looked very caught off guard by your comment, laughing a little.

Cross walked out of the kitchen, confused on what Horror and Dust found funny. "Did I miss something?"

"(Y/N) just..." Dust tried to respond, laughter making it difficult, "(Y/N) just owned Kills." He rests his hand on your shoulder, "Good one, (Y/N)!" He compliments.

Killer's face turned red and he stormed past you, huffing. You must've hit a nerve. Seeing him get so upset over this made you feel bad, you didn't mean any harm.

Cross watched him walk off, not showing any reaction.  "Aaaand there he goes. He's gotta learn to take a joke if he deals them." He comments as sips his cup of water.

"I didn't want to upset him..."

"He'll live." Nightmare comments, suddenly standing near the door. "Sadly." He adds in a nonchalant way. Surely he's only joking, right? "How's your wounds by the way, (Y/N)?."

You shrug a little, "They still hurt but not as bad today." That wasn't the whole truth, ever since you fell you're side has been killing you. There's a chance you opened your wound after running into Horror, but you didn't want to admit it. It's something you'll have to look at later.

"Well I'll have to look them over later anyway, a few of them are pretty bad. Infection is common with Humans." Nightmare responds to you, walking up the stairs. Maybe to his office? "If anyone needs me you know where to find me."

The four of you watched him walk off. Well five of you count the cat. "So. What now?" Dust was the first to speak after several moments of silence.

(So what do you want to do in the next chapter, reader? It's all up to you.)

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