An Odd New Face

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"I'll go with Horror." You walk up to the skeleton you chose, "What do we do if something goes wrong?"

"Get out of there. Either to somewhere safe or back to us. " Dust answers in a matter-of-fact tone. "If anything happens, break this." He hands you one of the small bones from his pocket. "Horror can also use his blaster as a beacon if necessary. As soon as you're done looking around meet back here."

Horror gave a brisk nod and started to lead the way, making sure you didn't fall behind. The white space that surrounded you gave you an eerie feeling as you kept close to your skeleton friend. The slow-rising coldness brought on by your wariness made it as if you were walking on snow. As you looked back to see how far you'd come you expected to see footprints, but it was untouched.

"This is so weird. Are your missions all like this?" You ask as you return to Horror's side.

"No. Not always. Actually, this isn't like the other missions." He responds, standing still now, "Normally there's damage even out here. Marks on the ground, dust, things left behind. But there's nothing." Horror kneeled and rubbed his hand along the floor and thought for a moment.

You stood beside him, looking around with your kusarigama at the ready. "Are we almost done? I don't want to complain or anything, but this doesn't feel right."

"Yeah. Let's head back. Nothing here. Something prevented Error from damaging this far out. I'd rather not find out why"

You both began to head back to the meet-up point and as you turn around, a very colorful skeleton stood not far from you. He had a very laid-back stance, YOLO shades, and a propeller hat. Silence rang in the air as the three of you stared at one another, confused.

The colorful skeleton tilted his head slightly to the side. "Ain't that a sight. What's up broskis?"

You take a small step behind Horror, unsure of who this colorful guy was or if he was a threat. Horror noticed this and he crossed his arms without a word. Since there was no answer from either of you the stranger chuckled a bit, “Sheesh, tough crowd, eh?”

“You see anything?” Horror asks in a straightforward manner. Man, he doesn’t really mess around. You could tell he was in a more defensive state now that this new guy was here. Is he really a threat?

The tall and colorful skeleton’s smile faded for an instant, his glasses going black in that short moment as well. Just as quickly as his appearance changed his smile reappeared, “Just hanging out around here broseph. Got word that my services may have been needed. How about you, Horror bro?”

“None of your business, and don’t call me that.” Horror huffed his response as if he wasn’t trusting this guy with any information. It’s a fair reaction.

You mustered up a little bit of courage to question this new face, "What kind of services would you provide to take you here?" You tried to sound as level and unafraid as possible. Whether or not this worked you couldn't really tell.

"I help people. People like you. The name's Fresh."

Like you? What did he mean like you? Before you could ask Horror stepped in front of you. "Well you're not needed, Fresh. Now if you'll excuse us." Horror began to walk away.

Fresh sidesteps to block his path. "It seems it is. Even if it's late," he points out, looking at you, "I'll admit I had a hard time tracking you down, kid."

"What are you talking about?" you demand, holding your kusarigama tightly and ready to strike.

"At ease, (Y/N) I'm no threat. I simply made a mistake before. And clearly you're too attached to correct it now. You'll see me again soon, kid. I can track you down any day." He answers, shades once more blank and quickly returns to 'YOLO'.

In an instant Fresh was gone in a puff of neon smoke that you swore had text reading 'fresh-poof' in it.

Horror looks annoyed beyond belief as he turns to you as if expecting you to say something about the situation that just happened. His glare was angry, yes, but not at you, at the fact he didn't act against Fresh and his blatant threat.

"It's fine, Horror. Let's just get back." You gently rest your hand on his shoulder. As you did so his gaze softened, "Thank you for standing up for me."

Horror nods, "You're welcome. We should tell Killer and Dust about all this."

"Who is Fresh anyway? Is he another au?"

"Yes and no. He's a parasite in the body of a skeleton that's a variant like me and the others. He's a devil's advocate, he doesn't favor one side over another."

"So what did he mean by his services?"

"Dunno. Maybe a third party."

Before you could continue your conversation you heard Killer and Dust yelling at one another. You and Horror speed up your pace and find the two of them practically at each other's throats.

"Will you stop complaining for five seconds?!" Dust shouts, one of his eye lights lit like a flame.

"I'll stop complaining when you stop acting all high and mighty!" Killer shoots back with a low tone.

"Both of you shut your traps!" Horror breaks in, his voice louder than you've ever heard it. It instantly made the other two skeletons fall silent.

Dust finally speaks after a moment, "you two find anything?"

"Not much damage past a certain point, but we did see an odd face." You reply.

"Odd face?"

"Fresh." Horror quickly answers, "He was hanging around but he's gone now."

Killer tilted his head, "Why is that parasite here?"

"He claimed he was here for some sort of service. Horror thinks he's involved in a third party of some kind." You answer.

"I'll be sure to let the boss know. Let's get home. There isn't much else we need to look at." Dust opens a portal and motions for you to hop inside.

Author's Note: Finally got this chapter out, so sorry it's very late. I'm still working out some kinks in the plans for this story

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