Little Surprises

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You turn around, frying pan in hand, ready to face the potential threat. With a small battle cry you're quick to stand in your best, but honestly horrible, attack stance. No one was there. You tilted your head. "What? Then how did...?" You question out loud to yourself.

A small mewling sound came from your feet, causing you to look down. A small brown tabby cat was looking up at you with wide yellow eyes. You lower your 'weapon' and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh a cat. Of course I would be terrified of a cat."

You sit down criss-cross and let the cat climb into your lap. As it did so it began to purr gently, rubbing itself against your hand to get you to pet it. You obliged, petting the little cat gently, a smile on your face. It had a little collar on, you noticed this and read the tag, "Hm. 'Mister'. Is that really your name. I wonder who picked it out. It's a bit inaccurate seeing you're a girl cat."

Mister meows up at you as you read her name, almost like she agrees with you. You chuckle and get up, holding Mister gently as you put away the frying pan you almost used against her. While you walked, she adjusted herself to ride on your shoulders. You didn't mind too much since it allowed you to hold onto your side as it began to ache again.

As the day went by Mister kept you company, laying on you to nap, following you around, or just playing with your shoelaces. It was nice to have someone to hang out, even if that someone is a cat.

At one point you decided to follow Mister around like she did to you, it was an interesting little adventure. She took you to a small hidden closet with a cat door on the actual door. Opening the door, you were surprised to see that the closet was basically a little cat condo. Each shelf had a purpose, the litterbox was on the floor, above it some toys, above that some food, then a bed above that, and at the very top was a storage area for her food and treats.

"Wow, you are one spoiled little cat, huh?" You comment, seeing her sitting on the shelf level to your face. She had a small mouse catnip toy in her mouth, sewn into the side it read 'FUCK' in bold red letters. Interesting. Not only was she one spoiled cat she had some questionable themed toys.

You shake your head and pick her up, closing the door to her little mansion and head back to the living room. As you rounded the corner you ran right into Horror, face first into his back. Mister squeaks and jumps out of your arms as you fell backwards. Horror quickly turns around, confused.

"Sorry," you mutter quickly, feeling awkward for running into him like that. You didn't even know he had come back yet.

He helps you up with a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" He asked, noticing you holding your side. "Did I hurt you?"

At first you were confused, then you noticed where he was looking. "Oh, I'm okay. Just sore still. You just startled me is all." A small smile crosses your face as you try to reassure him. When you landed you did end up hurting yourself a little more, but it's not his fault, you just landed funny. Mister jumping out of your arms didn't help much either.

Horror still looked a bit worried but he quickly got distracted by Mister rubbing against his legs. "Mister. Hello." He pets her and you swear you heard them both purring. You shake it away and that's when you notice Killer watching from farther down the hall, hand over his face in an attempt to stop himself from smiling at what just happened.

"Seems like you found the Purr-fect way to talk to H, can't help yourself but to Stumble for ideas on how?"

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