Chapter 1- Ky

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Story time, guys! I thought it was time to add some variety to my works, so here's a brand new story! Hope you like it' :-)


"There he is!" says one of the men.

"Are you sure?" the other one says.

"Positive. He always wears that same blue jacket from Aeropostale. Plus, he's the only redhead on the street." replies the first man. The other one studies the boy closely.

"Ah. He also has blue eyes. A strange combo." he leans back and crosses his arms.

"One of the reasons he was chosen."

"Then let's get this show on the road." he smirks at his little joke. Past the front window of the sleek red Maserati, the redhead in question is lost in thought, listening to "We Are Young" by Fun.


Kyler Drevas was walking home from school amidst all his classmates when he saw the fancy red sports car. Strange, he thought. You don't normally get these fancy cars around here. Oh, well. He goes back to his music. "Titanium" by David Guetta. Which made no sense to him. Sía is the only one singing in the song. He can really get into his music when he feels like it. Climbing on the bus with his friend Blake, he glances back to the car. It was gone. Hmm... He tries to shake off a weird feeling that settled on the back of his neck.

"Dude, come on. What are you looking at?" Blake says.

"Nothing. Some sweet sports car was parked over there." he answers.

"Really? What kind?" Blake asks.

"Cherry-red Ferrari or some other European make. Looked really expensive." he answers.

"Sweet! Now get on the bus, Ky. You're holding up the line!" Blake shouts good-naturedly. He looks behind him.

"Oh sheesh. Sorry guys!" He says and climbs on board the bus. The girl behind him, Sammy, giggled at her friend and climbed aboard grinning. Kyler plopped down next to Blake.

"So what are your plans for after school today?" Blake asks. Kyler pops his headphones out.

"I dunno. Probably just watch some YouTube and go swimming. It's a great day for it. Mom's not off work until 9 and Dad's still on that business trip." he responds.

"Awesome. Wanna come over later? Say...around 5-ish?" Blake asks.

"Sure." Ky says. Catching Blake's grin, he asks, "What are you planning?"

"Nothing! I finally got you out of the house and pool."

"Can you blame me? That pool was the best thing Dad did."

"I know, I know. It keeps you in shape at least."

"Aw, shuddup. I don't see you working out anywhere."

"I do! My family has a membership at Fitness+. I go every other day."

"Do you work out, or just sit there ogling at girls?"

"Oh, like you're one to talk. Sammy's not just going to spontaneously ask you out, you know."

"Shhh! She's right there!" Ky says. Blake rolls his eyes.

"Like she'll hear me. She can't stop gossiping long enough to listen to anyone else."

"Whatever, dude. I'm getting off." Ky stands up as the bus slows down at his stop. Sammy and one other boy, Jackson, get up as well. The bus rolls to a stop with a lot of clattering and screeching. The doors open with a loud hiss of steam. Or whatever powers the doors. Ky, sitting in the first few rows with Blake, is the first one off the bus, stepping into the bright California sunshine. Up and down the block, the houses are modern with lots of windows and decks. Most have pools in the backyards. Ky sets off down the sidewalk, putting his headphones in once again. Checking his iPhone, he sets it on Shuffle. "Thrift Shop", downloaded a few days ago, starts to play.

"I'm gonna pop some tags only got twenty dollars in my pocket..." he raps along as he walks, not saying any of the cuss words. After a five minute walk, he arrives at the front door of his modern Victorian home. Fishing around for his house key in his backpack, he presses Skip on the phone to change the song from "Call Me Maybe". It would not be cool for Sammy to walk by at that moment. He finds his house key and lets himself in. If he had looked behind him, he would have seen the Maserati slowly driving down his street.

"Hello?" he calls, making sure no one is home. There's no answer. Perfect, he thinks. Dumping his backpack in the mudroom, he runs upstairs to his room and logs on to his laptop. While waiting for it to boot up, he glances around the room. Same blue walls, same whiteboard, same random piece of art his mom felt the need to put up. So why did he feel so uneasy? He plops down in a beanbag chair at the end of his bed, moving his board shorts. The log in sound plays from the computer. Ky opens Google Chrome and clicks on the YouTube bookmark in the task bar. He logs into his secret YouTube account and checks his subscriptions. Smosh, Tobuscus, and Skydoesminecraft all have activity on them.

"Oh, sweet! Smosh posted a new video! Toby put out a new vlog, and Sky's showing off another mod." He mutters to himself. "Let's go Smosh, Sky, then Toby. Vlogs get kinda boring sometimes." He makes a face and clicks on Smosh. All the recent activity shows up in chronological order. The newest video posted is... Smosh Has Gone Missing?! What? At first, he thinks it's some kind of April Fool's joke. But that makes no sense. It's the middle if June, almost time for school to get out for the summer. Plus, the thumbnail picture isn't of Ian or Anthony. It's of some guy Ky's never seen. Curious, he clicks on it. After a short ad about Kia, the guy pops up and starts talking.

"Hey all you Smoshers out there. I have some pretty disturbing news for you guys. Ian and Anthony have actually gone missing. We have no idea where they went. They said they were going out for lunch, but they never came back. Uh...We have no idea if they'll show up or if they've been kidnapped or something. Don't scoff at it, they're celebrities. #1 most subscribed in YouTube as of today, June 11th, 2013. Why wouldn't they be a target? So, uh yeah. We have the police on the hunt and maybe they'll turn up, but I really don't know. This is such a disturbing piece of news to us here on the Smosh crew. They've never missed a video shooting before ever. Which you guys know. So....yep. If by any chance you see them, tell the police or tell them to get their butts back here. Thanks guys. Just...oh god, this is so...ugh. I'm making a mess out of this. Just be on the look out, okay?"

The man onscreen is clearly distraught. Ky leans back, surprised. The video seems genuine, but you never know... He scrolled though the comments. It seems pretty even. Half thought it was fake, half were freaking out because Smosh was missing. Ky thought about it before typing HIS comment. The emotions of the guy seemed pretty real. He held it together until the end, when he broke a little and became flustered. But he didn't think it was real. It was too...flat. The guys voice was almost monotone. Ky began to type: "I really don't think think this is a real video. It seemed kinda" He never got to finish.

A damp, sweet-smelling cloth descended over his nose and mouth, forcing him to breathe in the noxious gas. What the heck!? Is this chloroform!? was his first thought. Second thought: Why is this happening?!? He started to struggle and held his breath. A gruff voice in his ear spoke.

"No more struggling Ky. Or else you will be in a world of pain." He stopped flailing around in his beanbag.

"Good. Now breathe!" Even though he was running out of air, he held his breath. Until the man (he assumed from the low, scratchy voice it was a man) punched him in the arm. Hard. It was too much. He gasped in the chloroform fumes and his vision darkened. No! This can't be happening! It's the middle of the day! was his last thought before he passed out, still sitting in his beanbag with his laptop open and running on his knees.


Hey, guys! It's me again. This was an interesting idea that came to me while watching YouTube (not on a secret account. I don't have one, secret or no) the other day. The plot began to develop in my head and I just had to write it. Anyway, hope you enjoy it! -RunicWarrior898


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