Chapter 4- MyHarto

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Typing on the bus! Yes, typing on the bus-oh hi! As you can tell, I'm a bit hyper right now. So if this chapter is too short or undetailed, you know why.'s Hannah Harto's chapter. For those of you who don't know who she is, she does a YouTube series called My Drunk Kitchen where she drinks while trying to cook something. There's a ton of randomness and I love it. So.....yeah...Enjoy!



"Hello everybody! Today we are going to be making...what are we going to be making?" Staring off into the middle distance with her glass of wine, she tries to figure out what she was going to make. Hmm...

"Oh! I remember! We were going to make....dun dun dun! Lasagna!" she takes another sip of wine.

"Okay, so the first thing to do is take your package of those big, flat-ish noodles and boil them in a big pot full of water. Aww! Look at how big this pot is! I could use it as a helmet!" she puts it on her head and dances around. There's a noise in the outer room, but she doesn't hear it because of the pot. She takes it off.

"Okay, Hannah. Stop playing with the pots and start cooking." she says to herself. Going over to the sink, she turns on the tap and fills the pot up halfway. She turns back to the camera.

"Now that you've got your pot half full. Ha! See what I did there? Bad puns!" she finger-guns the camera, smiling widely.

"Okay, okay. Now that the bad joke part of the show is over, it's time to put the pot helmet on the stove to let the water boil." Turning around, she places the pot on the stove.

"Now it's time to-" Hannah flinches as a loud crash sounds from the mud room.

"Now what could that be?" she asks the camera. A man's voice, barely audible, curses. Hannah, now a little scared, takes a frying pan out of the cabinet.

"Okay, guys. I'm gonna go find out what that noise was. Hopefully it's not an intruder." she says softly. Then, holding the camera in one hand and the pan in the other, she walks slowly out of the kitchen.

"Wait! I have an idea!" she goes back to the kitchen for a second and gets a roll of duck tape. She tapes the camera to the frying pan handle.

"Tada! First person frying pan!" she says proudly. Giggling a little, she creeps through the hall to the mid room. She peeks around the corner. Nothing.

"Huh. Maybe I imagined it."

Muttering to herself, she didn't hear the man creep up behind her with a chloroform-covered cloth.

"Hello honey." he whispers to her as he places the cloth over her nose and mouth. Within that split second, she whips the frying pan over her head, right onto his head. Just like in the cartoons, he collapsed almost immediately. Hannah's particular frying pan was pretty heavy.

"Yes! KO!" she said into the camera. "We'll that was an eventful episode. Let's call the police before this guy wakes up." She walks back into the kitchen to get the phone. Putting the frying pan down, she picks up the phone and begins to dial, not knowing that the man was not alone. A second cloth descends over her nose and mouth. Eyes widening, she reaches desperately for her frying pan. Just as her hand touches the handle, her senses give up against the chemical and she passes out.

"Too bad she'd been drinking. Otherwise she might've realized there was more than one of us." said the kidnapper, looking down at her unconscious form. Bending down, he picks her up off the floor.

"Time to go" he says, and walks outside carrying her. Placing her in the same black car that the Smosh guys were in yesterday, he turns around and goes back into the house to get his unconscious partner.

"She's going to pay for that. Or rather, her savior is." he mutters to himself, then chuckles. Picking up his fellow kidnapper, he says,

"Kyler's got his work cut out for him. Although I still don't know why we chose him and not Peter."

His partner is conscious enough to hear this, and replies,

"Are you still on about this? The boss chose Kyler. Apparently he's got a grudge against him." The first man immediately drops the other man, knocking his head against the ground. The man groans.


"Aw, shut up. Lets just get Harto back to HQ."

"Fine" he says, then slowly straightens up. "Let's get going" After both men get in, they take off for the destination where all the kidnapped YouTubers were to be transported.


I know it's a short chapter. But I though it was cool. Especially the frying pan part. Heh heh. Well, after one more short chapter involving the last YouTuber (a Minecrafter, sorry guys), the action will pick up and you'll see everybody all together as the plot comes together.RunicWarrior898


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