Chapter 19- Hello Sweetie

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Greetings everyone, from the fabulous, snow-packed East Coast! Since we’re a bit snowed in over here, I figured it would be a great use of time to write a special, super-sexy Valentine’s Day chapter! Don’t worry, it’s not rated M. *WONK (Comment if you got the reference) There WILL be a slight Ianthony moment. BUT ONLY BECAUSE SO MANY OF YOU ARE FANS OF IT. Heh. So…without further ado…GERONIMO! (Fandom references galore!)


                Toby, Ian and Anthony stare at Adam, standing tall and proud in the middle of his cell.

                “Uhh…what do you mean it’s retarded?” Ian asks hesitantly. He flinches when Adam turns his intense stare at him.

                “I mean these guys shouldn’t control us like this. There has to be a way out.” He declares, looking around. Probably for a way out.

                “But…we’ve been here for a day or so and we haven’t seen any way out.” Anthony tells him. Adam’s face contorts and is about to retort when the intercom crackles on.

                “Actually…you’ve been here for a week already.” A new voice informs them. The guys can only stare at each other in shock. Toby breaks the silence first.

                “What do you mean, a week?” he asks.

                “I mean a week. Seven days. Half a fortnight. Whatever.” The voice, younger and nicer-sounding than the one earlier, says.

                “A full WEEK? How are we not dying of hunger and thirst?!” Anthony blurts.

                “Well…I’m not sure how much I can tell you, but the head of this whole operation is a highly skilled doctor.”

                “Yeah, Ky’s father. We know.” Adam says dismissively. “And why would he do this to his only son?! Is he insane?”

                “Yes, Dr. Foster. He knows how to curb your hunger with certain medicines.” The voice says, ignoring Adam’s questions.

                “When?!” Ian asks. The voice takes on a coy tone.

                “You don’t know what happens when you’re passed out. We could do anything to you.” It says. The guys can only stare at each other. That sounded ominous…and sexual.

                “Is…is that why my butt hurts?’ Anthony stutters, trying to make light of it. Ian chuckles a bit, but stops when no one else joins in. They wait in silence for the intercom to say something else.

                “I guess they got tired of us?” Toby ask-says after a minute. They listen for a few seconds longer.

                “I guess so…” Ian says. He catches sight of Dawn stirring in her cell and blanches. More teen drama sh*t to deal with! Toby and Anthony see his face and follow his eyes, tensing up as, they too, see Dawn awaking.

                “What are you guys looking a…” Adam trails off. “Oh.” Possibly sensing all the eyes on her, Dawn looks up, eyes red from crying.

                “Um…hi.” She says awkwardly. Adam just stares at her again. Just when it looks like she’s going to burst into tears and go cry in a corner, her face hardens and she pushes herself to her feet.

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