Chapter 2- Smosh

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Here's Ch. 2 guys! The YouTubers come into play here. And any new followers who like and subscribe to any of these YouTubers, this chapter is dedicated to you! Ahem *smosheverywhere* cough. :-) -RunicWarrior898



Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla were having a great day when they were taken. The day before Ky was stolen away in his own home, the Smosh guys were heading to their favorite lunchtime stop, a hotdog place about 15 minutes from their California house. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. That morning, they had finished shooting the Game Bang with Joven, Mari, Sohinki, and Lasercorn. It was so much fun, they had played the new Mario Party, #9. They did a mini game thing called Choice Challenge, courtesy of a single YouTube fan. Joven and Ian had gotten the lowest scores at it, so they had to act out three scenes as Mario characters. They'd already done it with the Mario Chase Game Bang, but it was so popular they brought it back. Only this time, they had to be Wario and Daisy. An interesting relationship going on there. Needless to say, it was a laugh-filled morning, with Joven donning a fat suit to be Wario and Ian in a dress to be Daisy.

Pulling out of the driveway in Ian's car, they were discussing the plan for their regular Smosh video for next week, which they would start filming tomorrow.

"We should go with the original idea, stick with the plan! We can't just have you win Food Battle AGAIN." Ian says, starting the argument they'd been having since last Thursday. Anthony's food had already been chosen by fans: the corn dog. In hindsight, it had been weird that it hadn't been chosen before. It was common Smosh knowledge that corn dogs were a favorite of the guys.

"You thought it was a good idea when we came up with it." Anthony pointed out. Ian rolls his eyes.

"You mean you came up with it." He pouts.

"Oh, come on, dude. Our fans won't be expecting it! They keep saying we're too predictable. This'll stop those kinds of rumors." Anthony flips his emo flap out if his eyes and slips on his sunglasses. Ian turns on the left blinker at the intersection and turns.

"Why can't we both just die?" Coming from anyone else, this would be a disturbing statement. (For all you non-Smosh fans, I'll explain it.) But in every Food Battle, one of them die. That means the other guy wins. And of course then the announcer guy comes in and says You Just Won Food Battle!

"Because that would make no sense. Unless the reporter wants to beat both of us with his food." Anthony replies drily.

"I guess you're right. Food Battle can't not have a winner." Ian admits.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Anthony says. They sit in silence as the empty fields between their house and the city pass.

"How about this?" Anthony begins, "What if I actually beat you fair and square this year? And then, as you're walking away in humiliation at losing to me, the reporter walks up and kills you!" Ian ponders this.

"Hmmm...and what if he shouts something like, 'Someone has to die this year! It's tradition!' ?" Ian says, warming up to the idea.

"Yeah, dude! Twist ending!" Anthony exclaims. Ian holds his hand up for a high-five. Anthony misses and accidentally slaps him in the face. After a moment of stunned silence, Anthony cracks up.

"Dude, your face was priceless! You were like, ahhh!" he makes a face. Ian rolls his eyes and pulls into the drive-thru of the hot dog place.

"Hello, welcome to --------- (I can't tell you where they go to eat!) May I take your order?"

"You should order in a, like, fat person voice." Anthony whispers.

"Uh, yeah, hi. Can we get two number three combos, a chili cheese dog, and two regular hot dogs?" Ian says out the car window in a weird, 'I'm so fat' voice. Anthony sniggers.

"Okay, will that be all?"


"Okay, move ahead to the next window."

"Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye now." Ian says, and pulls up behind a big black SUV.

"Sitting in the drive-thru, sitting in the drive-thru!" Anthony sings.

"Why are you singing that? It's not Lunchtime." Ian says.

"So? I can do whatever I want, b***h." Anthony says, motioning like 'come at me bro'. The SUV in front of them moves ahead in line. Ian pulls the car up to the payment window. Instead of the normal lady there (they like to mess with her), there's a large man sitting in her place.

"Your total will be 18.96." he says in a gruff, scratchy voice. Ian shoots Anthony a sideways glance. O...kay.... He hands over the money.

"Thank you. Your food will be ready in a moment. We've been busy today, so we have to freshly make yours. Lucky you guys! Please pull over to the waiting area." he points to an area close to the pick-up window and smiles. A very creepy, almost evil smile. Ian, creeped out, pulls into the area.

"That. Was creepy." Anthony says.

"Gee, ya think?" asks Ian sarcastically.

"Whatever dude. Let's just get our food and get out of here." Anthony rolls his eyes.

Unbeknownst to them, they were parked right over a man hole. Where a man dressed all in black was waiting for them with a can of high-strength knockout gas. He dons a gas mask and twists the nozzle on the can, moving the (fake) manhole cover out of the way. Sticking it up into the bowels of the Smosh guys' car, he laughs under his breath.

"Nighty-night boys."

Inside the car, Anthony smells something stange. He sniffs.

"Do you smell that?" he asks Ian.

"Smell what?" Ian takes a big whiff.

"That sweet scent. I don't know what it...." Anthony yawns, mouth gaping wide. "" he finishes. Ian's eyes fly wide open after he yawns once, big.

"Get out of the car! Now!" he shouts. Anthony looks confused.

"Wha....?" he asks, his eyes drooping. Ian scrambles for the lock on the car door.

"Dude! This is knockout gaaaaa....." he trails off, giving up the fight with the lock and falling asleep. Succumbing to the gas, Anthony's last thought is "I never got my hot dog!"

After they're sure it worked, the three kidnappers come out of hiding. The one in the manhole crawls out from under the car. The man in the SUV parks it and gets out. And the man behind the window takes off his .'employee' uniform and comes outside. The restaurant that day had to be closed for "sanitation issues", no doubt arranged by the proffessionals. But Smosh didn't know this. The cars in the parking lot were fake, part of the illusion of normalcy. All of them were later going to be crushed down in a scrap yard. One of the men opens the car door with a crowbar. The noxious gas escapes into the air. All three are wearing gas masks to avoid falling asleep.

"Look at them, sleeping like babies. Get them in the car." the voice, muffled slightly by the gas mask, is full of sadistic humor. The other two men pick up the unconciuos Smoshers and strap them into the SUV. One man gets in Ian's car and drives away to an undisclosed location to hide the car. The other two get in the black, unregistered SUV with the Smosh guys safely in the back. The driver looks back, face full of sick, twisted glee.

"Buckle up, boys. We've got a long drive ahead of us." Laughing insanely, he squeals out of the fast-food restaurant's parking lot.


Well that's a bit disturbing. Considering its coming from my mind, maybe not. Who knows? If you liked it, feel free to comment, vote, etc. And keep waiting for Chapter 3 to come out. All you Tobuscus fans will be happy. Plenty of Toby. Hopefully. Peace off! BOOP! -RunicWarrior898


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