Chapter 15.5- Security

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Chapter 15.5


Sucky surprise chapter for you guys! Cuz you've been tolerant of my absence. Sorry about that...I went to the library and got a gajillion books as usual. So enjoy! Warning: not much happens here. Just a kind of filler chapter before THE dramatic NEXT EVENT.


The news reports had a piece of news they were milking for all it was worth. Five YouTubers had disappeared from their homes around California. The most famous of them, Smosh, got the most coverage. News vans were parked outside the guys' house on the outskirts of Los Angeles (is that the right city?) 24/7.

Endless interviews were being conducted with everyone who knew the guys and who saw them leave for lunch. They even interviewed the restaurant owners of all the known fast-food restaurants they frequented. Only one turned up any leads. A manager of a branch of a certain hot dog restaurant had stepped out to say that their restaurant had been closed that day because of no plumbing or electricity. Since there was no outages scheduled for that day, it raised suspicions.

Then they found the first clue. The fake manhole cover had been left in the parking spot, revealing a small hole in the ground, just big enough for a man to crouch in. The second clue turned up when they forensic tested the cover. Traces of a certain illegal gas, known to knock people out for 12-14 hours, was discovered on the edge of it. That told the police and detectives they were traveling far, possibly. Maybe even out of the country.

That's when the foreign news services picked up the story. The police in every major city in Europe and Asia reviewed security footage for any suspicious activity. Nothing turned up. No bag big enough to fit two people ever came through security.

Back in America, another clue had been discovered. Another YouTuber that had been discovered missing, Toby Turner (a.k.a Tobuscus), had left a water bottle in his room. When tested, the forensics teams found a knockout drug in it, also designed for 12-14 hours use. There was also a camera, dropped and cracked. What IS this ABOUT, many people wondered. Until some one pointed out he probably dropped it as the drug kicked in. Duh. So that part was put aside as unrelated.

Another detective team found Hannah Harto's camera, (THE one she caught footage of people on) taped to the frying pan amidst spoons, forks, and a KNIFE. After reviewing the footage, detectives got serious. This was suddenly more serious than they imagined. This was a professional job. Again, duh! Did they think this was a GAME?

The footage revealed two men, dressed completely in black plus ski masks, assaulting Hannah Harto as she filmed a new episode of My Drunk Kitchen. The men wore gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on anything. The camera was positioned so perfectly that it caught the men lifting Hannah out and caught their entire conversation. Which led them to Ky's mother, who had filed the Missing Person papers a few days earlier.

There were countless interviews with Virginia Drevas, and every inch of her house had been inspected for fingerprints and other clues. Only one was found. A single footprint left in the garden, still damp from the rain that night. It wasn't much to go on, but investigators looked into every possible lead. Including the similar Missing Person report filed by two men around the same time.

They found that one other YouTuber had been taken, one that almost everyone had overlooked. Adam. And he left the biggest clue of all. One that had the potential to crack the case wide open. Ty.


Again, sorry it's so short. And... I hope you don't get scared by the next chapter. If you paid attention while reading this, there is a very obvious hint to the next chapter. Just something to keep you busy.....for two seconds. :-P Next chapter coming soon, don't worry!


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