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Since many people haven't read Never Fade or In the Afterlight, this one takes place at the end of The Darkest minds, EXCEPT!!!!!! I change the ending...a lot....

Lee just wouldn't go. It's not that I hadn't tried to make him go; I had. He just loved me too much, I guess. I was the last person left of our little group he was able to help. And after the League took us in, there was no leaving, even if we wanted to. Unless, that is, you leave on an Op and never come back... That was our plan. Find out what happened to Chubs, get placed on and Op, and go save his ass. Lee was good at running and surviving; all us kids were. Running, camps, or League. That was our lives. As the date neared to our Op, the plan became more specific, but we still didn't know much about Chubs. That's when I heard one of the senior agents say that the Kids from Kansas's friend that was shot was ok. I listened more and found out they were bringing him into the League. Well, I guess that promise was broken. They were bringing him into the Oklahoma headquarters, and then here in L.A. I told Liam, and we both sat there, frozen. He was alright. Chubs was ok! We started laughing as tears of joy sprang fro our eyes. We hugged and kissed and laughed and cried until we had to eat dinner.
A week later, we were almost done planning how to get to Oklahoma and where to go after.
That Op went terribly, but our plan was smooth. We got out of the League. We were home free. Now we're on our way to Chubs. So close, yet so far.
I turned on the radio, and it was just my luck, the Allman Brothers came on. I almost cried in relief as I saw Liam relax a bit. In the middle of the song, Liam was relaxed enough to start singing. I laughed. How had I met someone this great?
After a week of driving and stopping, we found Chubs in an abandoned hotel. It was such a great feeling to have almost the whole family back together. Because that's what they were to me now: my family. I loved them all, would die for them a million times, and I knew they would do the same for me. And I cried, like an idiot, continually repeating the words, "I love you, guys. I love you." Liam and Chubs just hugged me tighter.

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