Thurmond (Chapter 1)

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                  I felt the lurching before I even opened my eyes. No, it wasn't a lurching, it was... I cracked open my eyes, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But no, it wasn't a dream. I was in a car, not Thurmond. The roadside trees smeared by in a blur of gray, black, and blue. Good; it was still night. The AC unit was blasting frigid air alongside the radio. I tried to hear what song was playing, but my head was throbbing so badly that I couldn't focus. The only thing that got me to turn my head was the survival instinct in me; the same one that made me say I was Green all those years ago. The first thing I took in were the stars out my window. Six years-six years of Thurmond's monstrous lights blotting out those stars. My eyes ached with the unshed tears.
"Breathe it in, Ruby. Breathe in the freedom of it all." That voice... As I turned, I saw Dr. Begbie staring straight ahead, eyes peering at the road stretched out ahead of us. A small smile played on her face, though it didn't meet her eyes.
"It's been a long time since you've been in a car, hasn't it." She was right. I was barely breathing as I felt the rumble of the car moving faster. I pulled off the surgical mask I was still wearing from Thurmond's infirmary. I wanted to burn it, burn the clothes I was wearing, too.
"Where are we? What happened?" She glanced at me once, then turned back to the road. She was silent for so long, I didn't think she'd answer.
"Have you heard of the Children's League?" My breath caught in my throat. She couldn't be serious, could she? I only nodded my head. Everyone had heard of the mythical anti-government organization, even us kids.
"Well...we want you two." We? Two? Was this lady alright?
"Dr. Begbie-"
"Call me Cate," she interrupted quickly. Pain lashed across her gaze, but in a blink it was gone. I tried again.
"Cate, where are we?" She glanced at me again.
"A highway going through West Virginia."
Still confused by what she meant by two, I looked to the rear seat. A boy with blond hair was slumped in his seat, eyes closed. Asleep. Or unconscious. I audibly swallowed and turned back in my seat.
"About an hour ago, we stopped to switch cars. I had a hell of a time transporting the both of you out of that shithole." She breathed a laugh, and glanced at me again. "But you don't need to worry about that. You just rest. There's still a long ways to go."
"Until what?"
"Until we reach the meeting point. You and Liam back there are extremely important to our cause." I didn't have the guts to ask what two supposed Green's could aid in. Another thought quickly filled my mind.
"What about the others? Why us?"
It was her turn to swallow, her jaw tensing.
"You were important."
"And the others aren't? I abandoned them. Left them for the wolves. What purpose does any of this serve?"
She pursed her lips.
"The others will be fine. I'm sure we'll go back for the rest soon. Meanwhile, they'll live." I recoiled from her tone. Such ease, as if she could just brush those kids under the rug and pretend they were alright.
"Why us two, though? What purpose? Why not someone else?"
"You were in danger-"
"They're all in danger!"
"You were about to die, Ruby."
"Then they're in no better position!"
I could see her fighting with herself. She took a deep breath, her hands steady on the wheel. "Ruby, they changed the White Noise to target people like you." She didn't need to elaborate; I understood. They were hunting down Oranges. Exterminating them- us. Was that what happened to all the previous Orange and Red kids? Massacred? I felt my throat closing up.
"The other kids are safe for now," she said, as she started to pull off to the side of the road. I reached for the door handle, ready to get out the moment the car stopped. But as it rolled to a stop, Cate's arm reached over me. I quickly recoiled. Clearly she'd never met an Orange before, or else she'd have been cautious not to touch me. Especially in the sensitive emotional state I was in; that would for sure trigger my abilities.
But Cate didn't open the door at all. She held it closed and looked me in the eye. Quietly, as if she was so tired it hurt to even raise her voice, she said, "Where are you going, Ruby?" She sounded genuinely curious; not angry, nor mad. Just...curious. She blinked, looked down, away, and sat back up, and pulled the car back onto the road. She said in the voice again, "You should get some rest. You and Liam back there can sleep as long as you need after that..." She went silent, trying to piece her words together. "Ruby, you have to understand, I don't know what it was like. Hell, I was in there for months, and I still can't imagine the things you two went through. I want you to know, Ruby," she said, the pursed her lips again. "I want you to know that I will never, never, hurt you, or let anyone harm you, or yell at you, or starve you. I will protect you. You're my kid now. Do you know what that means, Ruby?" She was talking so quietly now, I had to strain to hear her. "That means that I will defend you against everything imaginable. I'll defend you both. But for now...I need you to get some rest. I need you to be strong, so you can explain it to Liam tomorrow." I nodded before I realized I was doing so. Soon, the rumble of the road under me mixed with the silence, and both cradled me off to sleep.

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