I'd like to start by apologizing for the year long hiatus. School was incredibly difficult this year. BUT! I'm back! And, during that hiatus, I reached a goal I never thought possible, all because of you. TEN THOUSAND READS!! YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST SPECTACULAR READERS IVE EVER SEEN!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Like and comment or message me whenever!
The dance was a mess. I hadn't wanted to wear a dress, hadn't worn a dress in years, actually. Pants were good. Pants were practical. "I can dance in pants," I thought. I was so utterly wrong.
My mom had dropped me off at the middle school, and, seeing as Liam had asked me to the dance, I anxiously rubbed my sweaty hands on my proper black jeans. I was sweating the whole ride to school, just thinking about dancing and talking with Liam. What would he say? What would he be wearing? Was he a good dancer?
I walked the halls of the school, posters and banners for the dance hung up all across the tops of the lockers. I read every single one, trying to calm my nerves about walking into the main lunchroom.
I couldn't do this. What if I looked stupid? What if he changed his mind?
No. Nope. Don't think like this Ruby! You're going to have fun tonight and you're not going to look like a fool.
Boy, was I wrong.
The main lights were off, small neon lights circling the hall and music blaring through the speakers making my heartbeat match the rhythm of the bass. I made a b-line for the punch bowl, hoping to scope out the crowd of middle-schoolers from there. The more I looked, the more determined I was that Liam didn't show up. But, no, Liam wasn't like that. He was sweet, caring; he wouldn't have asked me to the dance as a joke.
A pair of hands wrapped around my eyes, and my heart leaped in my throat. But then I smelled something like nail polish and realized who it was.
"That's not funny, V." She giggled.
"You should've seen your reaction, Ruby Red. I swear, you would've thought I'd held a crisp new hundred dollar bill in front if you." I turned and faced her, crossing my arms and mock glaring and her petty joke. "So, no luck finding him, I assume?" My face and heart fell.
She elbowed me in the ribs lightly and said, "Hey, at least you get to spend time with the best person in the world a little longer." She scared me a little when she smiled like that, like she had a plan. Now I just needed to figure out what it was before she could actually pull of the crazy act.
"Alllllright, Vida. You've got about two seconds to start explaining before I call my mom back and tell her to pick me up because 'I could've sworn I saw some kids drinking alcohol.'" She scowled at me. The She snipped and smirked, that mischievous fire still gleaming in her eyes.
"And you've got about three seconds until you find out what's going on. I guess it's a testament to patience, then."
I poured us both a glass of punch while we stared at the other kids dancing.
We both jumped as we heard someone say, "Hey! How's the special night going?"
"Ugh, Chubs, dont scare us like that," Vida growled. "Not cool."
He pushed his glasses up and turned towards me. "You alright? Waiting on Lee?"
"Yup," I answered awkwardly, turning back to watch the door and see if Liam ever walked in. Vida and Chubs started talking, light banter, really, while I scoped out various blonde headed boys, which was roughly over half the school.
"I give up. If he actually wants to dance with me, then I guess he can just come here and find me." Vida nodded into her lunch while still talking to Chubs. Such moral support.
I began walking around again, hoping I'd run into him on a different part of the room. Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and spun me around."Hi, uh," Liam said, "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. I was, umm..." By the sweat on his shirt, I just assumed he had gone dancing. "Well, anyways, I'm here now." He gave me the sweetest lopsided smile in existence.
"Hi." I couldn't see myself blushing, but the heat coursing through me could only mean I was beat red and likely sweaty. Maybe that's why Liam was sweaty, too.
"Do you wanna dance?"
"Um, sure. Yes. Yes, I would." No. No, no, no! He was going to feel how sweaty my palms were and think I was disgusting!
As we danced, I realized we were both sweaty and nervous and happy. We even slow danced together during the Snowball.
The music sped up then, and we started jumping around, dancing and singing and laughing. His smile was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but grin as I saw how red his cheeks and ears were.
It was during a truly upbeat song that I felt it. Liam heard it. Our eyes widened as we both realized my pants has ripped down the middle. We both froze.
"Uhh, maybe a teacher can help," he suggested. But there were no teachers I was comfortable with here. I ran as fast, and awkwardly, as I could while trying to cover the tear.
I got into the bathroom, only to find a group of older girls in there fixing their hair and makeup.
I guess they saw the panic in my eyes because one of them turned and asked, "Hey, are you ok? Someone do something?" I shook my head. "What's wrong?"
I turned around and heard a gasp.
"Oh, dang! Maybe someone has a sewing kit?" I could hear the doubt in her voice, though. "Or maybe a stapler?" I nodded wearily. It didn't matter what I did to the pants now, I'd already embarrassed myself in front of Liam.
I called my mom to come pick me up, claiming I felt sick and wanted to come home. The girls eventually finished up and left me alone to my thoughts. Why did I always make such a fool of myself? And in front of Lee. Ugh, this whole night was a mess. Liam probably thought it was a mistake to even ask me to the dance.
My mom called, saying she was outside. The car ride home was quiet, my mom only asking what exactly was wrong, and I claimed a massive stomach ache.
It was two hours later, alone in bed, that I actually began to feel sick. I began shivering and my head felt so heavy. Ten minutes later, I was sprinting to the bathroom. My mom found me vomiting my guts up in the toilet, tears streaming down my face. This was officially the worst night I'd ever had.
I didn't go to school the next day. I slept for nearly sixteen hours straight, waking up at midday to a text message bing.
Hey, I didn't see you after the dance or at school today. You ok?
It was Liam! He didn't regret asking me! Liam still liked me.
Doing alright. Wish I could have danced with you longer.
There's always next time ;)
The Darkest Minds FanFiction
FanfictionThis is for those wonderful readers who just need more Darkest Minds. I hope you enjoy. Scroll through, read what you like. Mostly one shots. For those who don't know, TDM is becoming a movie!!!(get hyped!!)