Chapter Eight

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Mike, like before, still wanted to run back to the lodge. But he knew he was so close to finding (Y/N). He couldn't give up. That man... He had killed Jess as well, Mike figured. He needed to pay.

But after that gas explosion... It took him a minute to recover. His mind was frazzled, to say the least. His fingers were gone. But at least he befriended a wolf, right? He kept trying to see the positive, but it was hard.

Mike shook his head. He was trying to get rid of all the doubts and fears. Finding (Y/N) was all he cared about.

He thought he had followed the trail the kidnapper had gone, but he wasn't sure anymore. He couldn't see them anymore. But he pressed on, determined to find them.

And that's when he found Sam. He had been aimlessly moving forward, but was stopped by a blocked door. He had found Sam, who was strangely only in a bathrobe. She had a scrape on her knee and looked like she'd been through hell.

She helped him get past the door and the two agreed to work together. She explained everything that had happened. Mike was confused at how the guy could have been at so many places at once. Like magic, almost. It sicked him. Then Mike and Sam heard a scream.

"Chris...?" Sam whispered, looking at Mike.

Another scream. "Ashley," Mike added. The two met eyes, knowing what to do. They had to save their friends.

The two ran towards the sobs and  forcefully opened the door. The two of them were tied up, saws above their head. "What the fuck?" Mike breathed out, stunned. His eyes scanned the room. He saw a man walking up to the table. He froze. It was the guy. It had to be.

Chris shot at him, but the man didn't seem stunned at all. He laughed, a low, dark laugh, and began to talk. "Oh, Chris... Oh Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris..."

"What the fuck!?" Chris cried, inspecting the gun. Mike and Sam stood still, too stunned to even move. They watched as the man got closer to the couple at the table, then stop.

"You've heard of blank, before?" The man asked. "I mean... Really?" The man reached forward, his hands pulling at his mask, taking it off.


Mike saw red. Josh. He had been the one behind it all? He killed Jess! He kidnapped (Y/N)! He chased down Sam and did whatever the fuck he did to Chris and Ash! Mike briefly thought of Emily and Matt. They weren't here... He hoped they were safe. 

"Josh...?" Chris shakily said, confusion clear in his tone. This only caused Josh to laugh, a big, sickly grin on his face.

"Josh!" Sam yelled out, running to the table. Her face was a mixture of emotions. Shock, anger, confusion... Mike felt the exact same things.

Josh strolled right up to Mike, laughing. "Josh..." Mike said to him, annoyed. After all he did... And he just laughs? Josh continued walking, rounding to face his friends. 

"Oh, oh, very good!" Josh giggled. Sam ignored him, instead working on the rope that Ashley was tied down by. "Every one of you got my name! And after all you've been through! Good, good, good, good! I mean, how does that feel?"

Mike followed Sam's lead and started helping Chris get untied. He was trying not to flip his shit. He was trying to remain calm, but it was beginning to feel impossible. Mike wanted answers. Mike wanted revenge. Mike wanted (Y/N).

"How does it feel? Do you enjoy being terrorized? Humiliated? I mean- panicked?" Josh's words began to turn more serious. Mike looked up at him, trying to see his old friend. But all he saw was a monster. "All those emotions that my sisters got to feel one year ago...?" Josh asked, his words shaky. "Only-Only guess what? They didn't get to laugh it off! No, nope, no! They're gone!" Josh laughed again. 

Mike couldn't take it. Was the fuck was so funny!? It was driving him mad. "I don't know if you noticed this Josh, but none of us are laughing."

"Oh, come-come-come-come-come-come. Why the long faces? Come on! It's good to get the heart racing every now and then, right?" Josh replied, defending himself.

Mike grinded his teeth, trying not to argue. Trying not to snap. All that Josh did... And it's just 'good to get the heart racing?' He was out of his mind.

"And race they did! I mean, every one of you, just pitter-pat! I hope you appreciated my little phantasmagorical spectacle!" Josh didn't even look like he was here. His eyes weren't focused. He was shaking. "I mean, no detail too small! No opportunity missed! It was such a delight to play the puppet master to-to all of your Pavlovian panic!" Josh's smile returned to his face. It made Mike's stomach turn. "And all that gore? I mean, gore. There was gore galore! Fake bodies... I mean, God that shit was expensive. And no retakes, nope-nope-nope, only double takes! Ah, you should've seen your faces... Hook link and sinker for every little stinker!"

Mike's fists were curled. It was taking massive restraint not to kill Josh right now. "Josh, why are you doing this?" Sam asked, hurt clear in her voice. Mike knew her and Josh were close. This must been killing her.

"Don't even ask this squirrely little runt," Mike interrupted, not allowing Josh to talk. He didn't want to hear what he had to say. "He's got no clue. He's out of his fucking tree!"

"Well... He's definitely off his meds," Chris added, disappointment written all over his face. Ashley just shook her head, unable to speak. Mike could see the amount of blood on her. What the fuck had happened?

"Aw... Come on, you guys!" Josh said. "Revenge... is the best medicine!"

Mike couldn't take anymore. Fuck this guy. "You're done!" Mike said angrily.

"Mike, he's sick..." Chris replied, shaking his head. Mike tried to calm down. It wasn't working too well.

Josh pouted. "What!? Come on, you guys are all going to thank me when you guys become internet sensations!"

"Wait... What?" Chris muttered out.

"Oh, you better believe this little puppy is going viral ladies and germs! I mean, we got... unrequited love," Josh said, glancing briefly at Mike before his gaze when back to Chris. "We got... We got blood! I don't think there's enough hard drives in China to-to count all the views we're gonna get you guys."

Mike finally snapped. "What are you talking about you ass hat!?" He yelled. Views? Who the fuck cared! "Jessica is fucking dead!" 

"W...What...?" Josh breathed out, blinking a couple of times.

"Did you hear me!?" Mike asked, walking up to Josh. "Jessica's dead... You kidnapped (Y/N)... And your trap took my fucking fingers!" Mike took a deep breath, only a foot away from Josh. He couldn't control himself. "AND YOU ARE GONNA FUCKING PAY YOU DICK!" He screamed before hitting Josh with the butt of his gun.

Josh yelped out in pain, collapsing on the floor. He didn't move after that, but he was still breathing. Mike didn't really care if he was alive or dead. But he needed him alive to tell him where (Y/N) was.

Light In The Dark - Michael Munroe x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now