☆intoxicating stars☆

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☆No one's secret☆
Spotify: Playlisthttps://spotify.link/W1F3Gs17xDb



Tik tok:


(Working links in link tree in bio)


This fic contains smoking, drug use, partying, some moments of homophobia, internalised homophobia, and sexual content.

I hope you enjoy the fic!!! If you do enjoy, Pease leave some votes or drop a follow(:


11PM quickly becomes 1AM, and dream's sight blurs momentarily when another shot glass hits the table.
Pretty cherry lips twist into a scowl as the substance burns its way down the blonde's throat.

Bittersweet to the tongue. It holds the taste of bad decisions and regrets, quickly becoming tomorrow's problem.

Deciding against another shot. Dream finally, since arriving at the party takes his time dragging his eyes over the room. Immediately being drawn to the unfamiliar faces on the dance floor.

shoulder to shoulder as their bodys move to the music. All painted in red from the never stopping beams of red lights.

Oh and of course you can't forget the, at least a dozen couples totally uncaring as they shove their tongues down each other's throats.

Hoisting his weight on top of the kitchen counter, this gave dream a much better view of the living room, currently packed with all the sweaty bodies and the smoke over top of them that has made its way through the sinfully colored red flashing lights.

"Dream their you are, fuck u scared me." Sapnap exclaimed as he to, jumped up on the countertop.

Dream chuckled. "Well you shouldn't have ran off."

"Yeah well someone decided not to follow me when, guess what? I said, ''Follow me."

The blonde's eyes rolled, shoving the other playfully as Sapnap continued laughing.

"Hmmm still sounds like your fault."

"Yeah ok- how so dreawmie?" Sapnap asked, grabbing the shot glass and vodka dream was previously using.

"Its kinda obvious."

Smirking, the blonde searched his pockets. Moments later pulling out a box of cigarettes along with a fluorescent colored lighter.

"Dude take it outside your gonna stink up the kitchen." Sapnap explained as the blonde still uncaringly lit the cigarette hanging from his lips.

Pulling the cigarette out, he inhaled once more as satisfaction spread throughout the blonde. Finally giving his body what it's been craving. Loving the feeling as smoke invaded his lungs.

I'm no ones secret♡drunz♡ Where stories live. Discover now