is that enough?

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Life is shit. 
This stupid fucking town is shit 
Punzs is shit. 
Dad is shit.
And this journling thing is even more shit.

He feels stupid.

Write what comes to mind huh? The womens voice echoes inside the blonde's skull. 

He was doing what he was told right? Writing down his feelings. 

sighing dream plops in his bed once more cringing as the bed spring creaks hit his ears. 

It was all so stupid in the blondes mind, he didnt need therapy. He didn't sign up for this.

Annoyance pulses through dreams veins as rough hands rub over tired eyes

How does writing about your problems fix anything? This is what his dad is paying for, some book bullshit that is supposed to 'make me feel better'. 

Blank pages mock the blonde as the pathetic little scribbles read out the boys childish rebellion. 

On the other hand he was just told to write his feelings right? 

Turning to the completely blank page. Led meets paper, although it only hovers as dream goes through his thoughts.

Does he need therapy? He thinks.

 It's not uncommon the topic of teenage angst has been brought up, he's been told that all his life, about the stereotypical angry teenager that rebels at every chance and emotions never able to be tamed but,  where's the line? 

When does teenage dramatics end and genuine problems start? 

Cause it doesn't seem like questioning your existence on earth every. Fucking. Day. Is all so common from what he's gathered.  
No one teaches you this shit, he thinks. It always bothered him that stereotype yet it seems so drilled into his head he refuses to believe that this is anything but just that.

A mad teenager angry at a fucked up world. 

Angry at Homophobic care givers.
Angry at blonde hair two faced assholes.
Angry at whatever god made every little thing so fucking difficult.

He can't even manage to pay attention for more than a minute without his mind being dragged to every other thing other than what he's meant to be doing.

Oh and what a suprise, the stupid journal didnt even work. He was supposed to feel better after that?

A single teardrop escapes and quickly the page is ripped out and throw in the trash



tap… tap.. 

the taps become more frequent as they continue bouncing off the clipboard in a quickening pattern.

is she mad? Whys she mad again? 

As the taps seemed to bounce off empty walls echoing in a continuous loop- 

one tap.. And suddenly a stillness took over, as the pen came to a halt.

“Dream?” the women sighed out catching the others' attention. The blonde hummed in response after his name had fallen from the women's deep red lips, snapping his green forrest eyes, up to meet the light brown eyes that had been intensely glaring at him. 

 In her hand- the journal? Ohhh the journal thats right- 



She sighs, and dream almost feels sorry. Almost.. 

It was never his intention to actually take this therapy thing seriously and he told her so. 

Many times to be clear.  

“You said you would at least try Dream.” and that's something he can't deny, he did say that. 

Did he mean it at the time? Yes absolutely. Although it might not seem like it, he was trying. He did, and just like he expected, it was stupid. So why bother?    

Not one to stay quiet with his opinions, the blonde expresses this. 

She grits her teeth in response.

“Just repeating everything you think is shit is not what the journal is meant for, that's not what your assignment was.”

He smirks as the other scowls.  

“Oh my young ears, I can't believe you just swore in front of a child.”

 Sighing she says “Dream if you don't want to be helped then I can't help you.”

“Then why am I still here?”  

"I don't know why are you here Dream?"

This is pointless dream thought abruptly standing up.  

The women stands up as well pushing the open notebook into dreams chest, looking down remembering the little, and only note he had left written there.

“Your welcome back if you would ever like to talk.”  

No speech, no yelling, is that is? 

“And what do you think mrs. therapist that i need to talk about so much huh.” dream asks as  emerald eyes track the others movement as she drops in her chair looking unbothered as always. 

“I don't know dream, maybe what's been happening with school…"

It's always school…

"Or this punz….." 

"What about him."  Dream was practically spitting venom on this point. 

"I dont know tell me about him." 

"What do you want to know so badly? That my ex best friend totally fucking humiliated and was embarrased of me. How he called me slurs behind my back. How he had group chats dedicated to making fun of me while pretending to be my friend? Is that enough for you." 

"That's terrible and he should have never down that to you. And it more than enough, you know how much improvement you just made. Dream I can help you all you have to do is let me." 

Dream scoffs teary eyed as he shakes his head letting out a quiet stubborn i'm good as he quickly walks out of the door gripping his one backpack strap even tighter than before. 

This love was like the ocean.
You pushed me out to land.
You missed me,
You dragged me back to your waves.
-ry Reed 

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