♡is the grief worth love?♡

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Little legs bounced against carpeted floors. Hands gripping the edge of curved wooden seats. 

"Clay you'll be on your best behavior right?" 

A voice rushed out, the owner of said voice seeming to be banging around in the kitchen. 

Urgently searching for something unknown. 

Ticks of a clock fill the quiet still background. Hands pointing to the 5 and 12 on the dot. 

five o'clock, only forty five minutes to go dream thought. 

Will he be nice?

Does he like minecraft? 

Oh god he Hope's so. Only a limited amount of his school friends actually find interest in spending afternoons eyes glued to a screen. 

Sapnap, his best friend, is the only one so far to feed into dreams love for the block game. Sapnap even seemed to be just as interested in the game as dream is. That's actually why they became friends in the first place. 

Maybe we could play minecraft later. 

Dream smiles at the thought. 

"Clay did you hear me??"

Dream huffs. 

"Yes i'll behave."

Nerves and jittery excitement laces the boys veins. 

This diner seems to be important to his dad. Although he's met Jack many times before. An unfamiliar member would be joining them tonight.

Hes heard a lot about the others son luke, and in all honesty somebody his age would make these get togethers so much more bearable. 

Dream doesnt think he can get away with disappearing to call Sapnap much more. The excuse was already far overused.

Forty three minutes,
It's only been two minutes?

The blonde huffed. While the phone began to ring, startling dream out of his thoughts. 

"Hello?" The blonde hesitated, hopeful it was not another spam caller.

"DREAM."  The blonde jumped as sapnaps loud voice met his ears. 

Dreams surprised Yelp making the other giggle manically. 

That evil little frick. 

He shouldn't have been surprised, the ravenette was the only actual person to call the home line. 

Both unfortunately phoneless eleven year olds trying to keep in contact through summer holidays. 

"Jesus panda, why'd you do that, you scared me." He whined. 

The other just laughed not responding. 

"What. Do. You. Want." 

The blonde smiled rolling his eyes. 

"Do I need a reason to talk to my best friend."  The other scoffed teasingly.

Dream's eyes rolled once more. 

"Pandas." He huffed, knowing all too well that the other never didn't have a reason. 

"What? I don't have a reason! Butttt I mean since we're already talking we should play some minecraft." 

He chuckled slightly. Now able to hear soft arguing in the background. Seeming to be from down stairs. Of course Dream wasn't going to say no.  

"Of course- I only have 40 minutes though. Will that be enough?" He asks softly. Both knowing what dream was referring to.

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