stuck with you pt 1

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Ears ring while everything feels hot, so so hot. Screams can barely be heard over the constant thumping in the blonde's chest.

Shaking as each beat of his heart feels like an attack against fragile ribs.

"You peace of shit."

I know that

"A fucking C dream?? What has happened to you."

I'm sorry

"Im embarrassed that your my son"

I'm sorry
Im sorry
I'm so so sorry

"I'm done. You want to ruin your life? Be my fucking quest."

The door slams.

Tears burst out faster than dream can even mutter a word in response.

Please don't leave

But hes already gone, he tried. He tried so hard but it was never enough.

He has shattered, scrambling to pick up the pieces but it's no use. The pieces are sharp in his grasp.

He hears a scream but only moments later does he realise it's his own. Acidic tears burn through freckled skin as they refuse to stop. He's drowning and knowone's coming to save his ass this time.The ice has worn to thin as one final crack rings through his ears it's so painfully numb and all he can do is suffocate.

He cant breath, vision blurred to the point he can barely make out shapes through squinted eyes.

The light of the surface fades away as vision turns to black.

How'd we get here?

Fuck what's the point of all this shit. It's just one problem after another.

Ur a fucking disappointment dream.

His phone buzzes although bright words can barley be made out through blurred vision. The tears blinding him as he can just see enough to read the contact.


hey dude get ur ass outta bed were going to a party tonight

Me- ok

He could use a direction right now.


"This is a fucking drag"

The blond chuckled, watching sap down a shot glass. He could tell that one burned as he watched the twist in sap's face as he slams the glass down.

There's a tension in the air tonight.

Lately police have been everywhere. More than the usual amount. After one to many noise complaints it was bound to happen eventually. The last big party had people running all night, a total of four students got arrested, a couple got tazed.

Dreams' eyes scanned the crowd, the more you look the more you can tell everyone is on edge tonight.

It wasn't uncommon for police to crash parties but since some kids were caught with some hard drugs, the mayor's office has made it a priority to "clean up the streets" or some shit like that.

dream knows it's all bullshit. They're doing damage control, keeping the parents happy. Happy parents more funding. It's all about money in the grand scheme of things. They dont give a shit about the kids in this town.

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