you said you loved me but in what way?

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Dry forest eyes diluted in red tints flicker across the room, whether red from the influence of weed or crying, dream wouldn't know. 

Soft sheets drag across the blonde's bare chest. Head cuddling farther in the pillow, annoyed with the lack of sleepiness he feels. 

Eyes sting from black nailed hands rubbing the tears away.

It's pathetic really, still crying over the same boy years after the fact. 

A boy he trusted with his whole heart yet was absolutely shattered into pieces in the process. 

Punz was an asshole, he was self centered yet so unfairly pretty. 

The punz he saw tonight was a different punz, either that be from however many drinks or other substances the boy consumed. 

His heart throbbed in emptiness, seeming to take a break from the usual amount of pure pain. It still tingles in memory of every place the other blonde touched.

'Mouth skimming down the other's jaw. Cinnamon flavored lips, imprinting themselves softly on the dreams neck.'

He could feel it. 

Lips printed on pale skin as numb tingles. Hand prints painted his thighs smudging to sharp hips. If he really focused enough he could still feel the ringed hands tight grip on his waist. 

It feels as though the pretty hands have burned Mark's possessively into pale freckled skin. 

The memories were clear as day.  While the dampened pillows only got worse as tears numbly tricked across freckled cheeks. 

Punz is an addiction.

An addiction he can't forget or drown out cause no amount of alcohol has yet to erase the ocean eyed boy even for a second from his memories. 

He's forever ingrained into dreams mind.  

Red lights read 3 am as he looks at the box of cigarettes on the nightstand. 

The familiar feeling of want settles into dreams stomach. Although he's too tired to fight it as he pulls himself out of bed snatching the items off the wooden carved nightstand. 

An open window and a couple steps later, the now starred sky fills the boy's vision. 

Quietly sitting on the roof, the window pulled till it was only a couple inches open. 

It felt so good, 
The flick of the lighter,
Orange flames meeting the tip of the cigarette hanging from plump lips. 

Smoke flowed down the blonde's throat.
Infecting his lungs as he exhales. 

The itch is now gone while the stars become slightly glossed over in expensive smoke. 


"Dream you need to sleep, come back to bed." 

Messy black hair falls across sapnaps eye's, even more so as he yawns leaning just over the open window. Eyes stern as he raises a tired eyebrow at the blonde. 

"I'll be back in a minute sap, go back to sleep, you're exhausted." 

Said boy huffed before walking out of view.

The air was cool as a gust of wind stole gray ashes from the boy's cigarette.

They twirled in the sky joining the other leaves caught in the wind. 

After many more minutes eyelids begin to droop. Sleep. 

He needs sleep, 
Sleep and the energy to hide his shattered pieces.

Like he wasn't dying inside or that he didn't spend his night at a party he wasn't supposed to be anywhere near.  

But tomorrow is future dreams problem and therefore the blonde seems not to give a shit. 

He never does anymore. 

You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains.

You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.

You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows.

This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. 
-William Shakespeare


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