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Left foot right foot oh there's a branch. Thorns tear through boundaries of skin, clean scratches sting while sticks snap in the distance. 



Trees spin as little legs do circles. Looking for any signs of life near him. 


This time it was louder.
It was closer.

"This isn't funny, where are you."



Luke jumps knocking into the nearest trees while the other giggles manically. 


"Or what lukey." 

He groans, rolling ocean blue irises. 

"I found something, common you big baby" Playfully dream stuck his tongue out. Quickly grabbing on to Luke's hand. 

The forest was beautiful, natural light peaking through bright green leaves. It left everything in a soft glow of yellow eliminating the thick beautiful forests. 

"Where are we going, I swear if you get us-" 

"Were not going to get lost ok? Just trust me." 

It wasn't uncommon for the boys to go exploring around this area. The forest itself was a beautiful mystery, always locking secrets away only for them to be one day found by four little curious eyes. 

There was never a day you didn't discover something new around here. 

So another day another glorious discovery. 

Yellow glow gets dimmer as rotting trees become more common among the beautiful green ones.

The life had seemed to drain from beautiful scenery.

"Clay, I'm not sure about this one. Aren't we heading near the high school?? 

"Luke it's fine, walk faster silly." 

A beam of light blinds the two boys as they trip into a clearing, not even noticing their little feet getting caught in a broken chain wire fence.

They giggle, looking up to a run down building with a little opening in the middle where the tree leaves part. It lit up the area beautifully. 

Pretty flowered vines cover the majority of the old house. Overgrown plants tickling both their legs. 

Punz gasped in a sort of awe.

The house, although beautiful, was obviously abandoned. The widows were boarded up while the shattered glass pieces sparkled in the light. 

"What is this place?" Punz asked softly, still in shock of the place's rundown beauty. 

"I dont know- I just found it." With that dream began taking more steps across a stone path avoiding all the overgrown shrubbery. 

"Dream wait, I don't know about this."

"Come on punzo you scared?" Dream smirked as he held out his hand.


"You know we should really cut back all this shit, thorns hurt dream" sapnap whines.

He laughs walking past the ravenette with skillful movement, making sure to avoid any non necessary scraps. 

It's perfect.

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