stuck with you part 2

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"Is this really the best hiding spot you could have found?" Dream whisper shouted as he pushed his way into the closet.

"The cops are literally on our fucking ass dream what did you expect?"

"Fucking move your stepping on my foot"

dim beams of moonlight are casted through closet doors. Barley illuminating one another.

The only indicator of the other lurking in the dark being the unsteady panting echoing throughout the small space.

Hearts failed to calm there rabid beating and they both try catch their breaths.

They ran like their life depended on it. It did in a way.

"Awww is your foot ok?" Punz remarked. The question, although out of breath, reeked of sarcasm.

"Shut the fu-"

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you insisted on shoving your ass in the same closet as me"

Good point.

"What choice did I have, asshole."

"How many closets are in this fucking house?"

"This is the only one with doors on it dumb fuck, would you be quiet before you get us fucking caught."

"This is not happening" Punz continues as he laughs at the irony of the situation.

Dream couldn't help but agree.

How could they be this dumb, it was all so risky and for what? One lame ass party. It was only a matter of time, and now what? Get caught, records tarnished, and hope to get the fuck out of this town would be gone becuase of one stupid night. 

That's the thing about people, know one gives a fuck till its their blood in the water. Until the familiar sense of panic sends them into a state of disparity. Blood soaked clothes dragging them under water left to claw their way up to the surface.

Only then, knee deep in tainted water do people come to the realisation that this was all for nothing.

Except this time the blood is pooling around dream's knees, the water consuming him as it creeps higher and higher.

It's too late.

We're screwed.

"Fuc-" before Dream couldnt even finish his remark Punz quickly puts his hand over the other's mouth.


Frozen they listen to the dead silence.

What the fuck so we do

Were gonna get caught were gonna get caughtweregonnagetcaughtweregonnagetcaught

The echoing of boots meeting hardwood floors bounces off the walls.


They hold their breath.

Seconds feel like minutes at this point.


Not a single creep.


They jump.

Dreams' fingers have now latched themselves onto Punzs shirt. Hanging on like it's the last thing that's keeping him sane.

This is it.

A foot step followed by a loud squeak in the floorboard.

He's close, really close.

fuck fuck fuck FUCK


"Officer niki, do you copy?"  The voice slightly cutting out as it comes through the speaker.


"Yes I copy"

Their eyes meet as dream and punz both stay deathly still. Holding their breaths as they silently watch the officer through the closet gaps.

"We have two suspects heading north east through the forest."

Seems they weren't the only ones using the forests as an escape route.

"On my way"

The woman rushes out of the room, flashlight casting shadows as she weaves through the rundown house.

That was too close. Another few steps and they would have been fucked.

Finally Punz retreats his hand from dream's mouth as dream's breath shutters.

"Holy fuck that was close."

"To god damn close. Do you think she heard us?" A rush of nerves hit Dream all at once.

Were they too loud?

Is she going to come back?

What if they call our parents?

"What do you think Dream? I don't know maybe the fact that were not in handcuffs right now might be a give away"

"You know for once in your life can you not be a fucking dickhead?" 

In Spite of his harsh words Punz did give Dream some peace of mind.

"Stupid questions get stupid answers sweetheart"

"Shut up oh my god."

Slowly Punz pulled the closet door open. The creek echoing of peeling walls.

“Dude, I don't think we can go home for a while.”

I have to spend more fucking time with you?

“Why?” dream mutered.

“Are you stupid? They're still searching the woods. If we make a run for it they may see us.”
The blonde looked over his shoulder at Dream, raising his eyebrow like it was obvious.

“Shit that's true.” he sighs.  “So what? We just stay here all night? Our parents will kill us.”

“Would you rather them kill us for being out all night, or kill us because we got fucking arrested.”

“True i guess”


Within a second Punz is out of the confined space strolling through the familiar room.
The blonde looked around as his face formed a small smile. It seemed this place wasn't all that forgotten by the blonde as dream originally thought. It made sense it wasn't that long ago this was their spot. Two dumb kids stumbling upon a cool new hangout spot.

“What's this?” There now back at the main room, pillows and blankets scattered messily around the room. The air, still roaming with the stench of weed while the candles have long burnt out.  


“oh me and sap set this up we kinda made it a place to escape to…. After you left.”

Punz fell silent.

It was almost an unspoken rule as to not mention what they once were. The memories of two young boys forgotten in the silence.

Dream watched as Punz 'unreadable eyes searched the room. Something hiding in forest irises. Something Punz himself was unable to recognize. All he knows is that he doesn't like that look on Punz. 

“Sick.” the blondes gaze falls to the floor as he wanders more into the room. “Well I guess we can chill here till it's safe to go back home.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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