i hate you..

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Wake up,

That's it, that's all dream has going for him. That's all everybody has going for them. 

Small town, know everybody, know one ever leaves. 

Well that's a lie, the luckey get out the rest get stuck in the loop never going anywhere in life. 

Small town, milkshakes and diners. Football players and cheerleaders. 

Small towns are such a fantasized thing. Till you grow up in one. A shit one at that.

No none minimum wage jobs, drugs, parties, sex. 

Dream wants to leave. 
But how is one to leave with nothing but a shit excuse for an education and no money. 

Yellow lights brighten the field.

Nothing changes,

 day by day there continues to be no break in the pattern. 

The crowds scream

He doesn't hate his life, running around wild with no cares in the world will always leave adrenaline buzzing through the blondes veins. 

But maybe just maybe he would like to even have the chance to make something of himself. 

But no. 

Lifes not that easy and dreams never been that lucky. 

21-21 on the scoreboards, it's a tie. 

Sharp pain hit in the shoulder, dream hits the ground with a thud. 

Football was definitely one of dreams many loves in life. Not even punz could ruin that one.

Well…. Almost. 

"How the fuck did you not see that? Get up." 

Oh how he wished punz would just shut his big mouth for once. 

How his fist would look so nice collided with his nose between ocean eyes. 

Running, the football drops as punzs hands quickly snatch it while intently running towards the white line. 

Four people on him.

Dream calls out, perfectly open to receive a pass. An easy touch down as the time gets smaller.



They make eye contact but punz being the dumbass he is keeps running. 

Blue Jerseys get closer and closer.




The ball quickly gets thrown towards dream as the others tackled to the ground. 

The crowd hollers as dream jumps over the line mere seconds to spare. 

Touch down.



They won, they actually won. Cheers blare through the field, echoing and breaking the quiet night. The moment everyone held their breath waiting to see a purple Jersey dive over the line.

It was a tough game and an even tougher opponent. Dream will give them that. 

Shoulders collide hard. 

"Nice goal" 

Punz. A pissed off punz at that, and why is he pissed? Dream has no clue.

"Would have been better if someone didn't hesitate."  Venom pumps through dreams veins while the cheers of the crowds barley get heard over the thumping in dreams ears. 

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