why you?

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Dreams frozen as the door swings open, stopped in time as the creaks of the door follow perfect grey converse. 

No. Not fucking him.

"Aww smoking in the change room princess? Really had nothing better to do" 

The condescending smirk pulsed through the blondes words. Breaking the once quiet room.

Punz. Fuck.

He sighed. 

"Don't fucking call me that." Dream spat back. It was lazy and tired but the blonde couldnt come up with much else. 

"I'll call you whatever I want to call you." Punz asserted seemingly smug as always.

The door swung shut as the blonde leaned against it.

Dream did have time for this. 

Not only that but It got on dreams nerve, punzs whole I'm better than you act. Making his hatred all that much more easier…. Most of the time.

"What are you even doing here. Other than being a fucking bitch." 

The blonde wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed right now. He had no energy to deal with punz. Not today not right now.

"None of your business." 

Fucking typical

With one final eye roll from dream he went to once again ignoring the others existence. 

Trying to at least.

Flicking the rest of burning ashes into the garbage the boy went through the rest of his normal routine. Packing his gear into his obviously used duffel bag. 

He was tired really tired, sleep refused to come to him the past couple of months. No matter how much he tried, how many or how little hours he got of sleep. The overwhelming tiredness wouldn't go away. 

He paused. Taking one more exhale letting smoke infuse his lungs before throwing the used cigarette into the trash. 

The warmness of the shower had finally worn off as the blonde shivered from a lack of shirt. 

Speaking of, where he put it. 

Searching threw the bag it was nowhere to be seen. He let out a harsh breath. 


Did he put it in his locker? 

"What the fuck is that?"  Dream was startled out of his search for his shirt as the blondes voice boomed through the small space. 

Just when he almost forgot the annoying blonde's presence in the room. 

"What?" Dream sneered.

"On your back." Punzs was mad, furrowed brows, jaw clenched.

 He refused to meet dreams eyes as he turned around annoyed. 


The scratches, he forgot about the scratches.

Guilt overcame the blonde.

He shouldn't feel guilt. He shouldn't.

Why does he? Its not like he belongs to punz.

He hates him, there's no reason to feel as if he's done something wrong.

He hasn't.

But guilt is suffocating, a feeling dream hated. Almost more than punz. 

He swallows. 

"Never seen scratches dumbass?" He went back to what he always does, petty insults. It was familiar, comfortable.

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