Chapter One

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New Story since I had to delete my last one for 'Copyright' Bullshit I was Pissed at first but just decided to get over it and make a new story.

Cry's POV

New School without anyone from my family or anyone I know. Awesome. I wish Mom and Nathan where here though.

You see, I moved out if my Father's house or well Ran away and moved to another part of Florida. My mom and Brother live in Florida again but I dont know where. I had ran away because my father was .... abusive you could say. he molested me a few times too after he Kicked my mom and Nathan out. He wouldn't let me go as well. So I moved here to try and start a new.... life, or beginning after three years with that piece shit you could say.

If you're wondering where I got all the money to do this. I robbed my father. He kept 7 million dollars under his bed and I stole it.

I have no clue where he got it but I stole it.

I'm asshole

My mom or brother have never seen me in My mask... because life was... well, perfect until one day my dad kicked them outta the house and forced me to stay.

My mask... People stared at the airport. so im worried about the school. It protects me from telling my life story from the scares.


I woke up to my phone alarm and got up to take a shower and make breakfast.

I changed into a Green 'Sup?' Hoodie light blue skinny jeans with some holes and tears, some black converse. I tightly put my mask on, brushing my hair over the top just a little looking like a little emo red and black haired kid. And To finish it off I put my black and red beanie on.

After eating I packed my bag and started walking to school not wanting to draw attention from ridding my motorcycle. I'll drive it around the town just not to school.

I walked up to the stairs of the high school, bag around on shoulder, beginning to feel really nervous especially when someone tapped my arm.

I jumped a little till I turned around and saw a kid with brown hair and glasses.

"Hi, friend?" I say nervously.

"You're the new kid right? Im Russ I'll show you around if you want?" He asked nicely not saying a thing about my mask. Awesome. Lets hope that'll last.

"Uh, sure yeah that'd be nice im Cry." I finally stop shaking and feel relaxed.

"Okay first off, we have to get you to the office and get you're classes and locker number. I'll show you around from then. " he patted my shoulder and started walking into the school. after awhile we stopped and he walked into the room. I being my shy self looked down and walked in slowly.

"Ah, you're the New kid that wants to be called Cry and wears a mask, right?" A man asked me. I nodded my head just barely noticeable. "well im Mr.Ross I told the teachers to Wright down your name as Cry only as well and here's your information-" he hands me a piece of paper, why does he seem familiar?

"I'm sorry if this is rude but do I know you? You seem familiar." I asked quietly

" trust I me I know who you really are and what you've been through-" he mouths 'Ryan', my real name. And I flinch"- can tell you're shy and don't like to talk so, Russ would you mind showing Cry around?" Mr.Ross asked.

"How?" I whispered.

"I was your neighbor I heard it every night just too scared to do something." He says.

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