Chapter four

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PewDie's POV

I decided the only way to push back my feelings was to hurt him. beat him. And crush my heart from those actions.

"God what do you want?" He asked as he opened the door.

"To do this"

I punch his gut, kick his leg and watch him fall to the ground and I walk back to my house. Regretting it all.


I woke up, took a shower.

I got dressed into a Panic! at The Disco shirt, blue jeans, and my sneakers.

After that I eat breakfast and decide to walk to school today.

I get out of my house and walk with Cry a few steps ahead of me. I watch as he falls because my foot bumped into hid leg.

He mumbles something and starts walking again. But I notice something.

His pants are turning a faint shade of red.

Cry's Pov

PewDie tripped me and I felt my scar stitches pop on my leg, letting the blood spew out of it.

"Fuck. " I mumble, sitting down on the cold sidewalk, as PewDie walks past me.


I woke up in my father's bedroom and a burning feeling in my leg. I move my pant leg and see a huge scar. Really deep too.

Then the memories come to me.

He scared my leg with a knife.... miserably deep.

End Flashback

"Fuck I need to restitch this again. " I say loud enough for him to hear.

He turns around as I get up and run home... I can't lose to much blood again...

I run my fastest speed and arrive at my home running into my bathroom and pointed out the needle, peroxide and thread.

I knew it was gonna be a bloody mess. so I walked out and sat on my front porch and cleaned it, stitched it, and cleaned it once more, pulling my pant leg down and street to run to school, hoping not to be late.

I get there and see them all waiting on me at the entrance, I greet them slowly limping up to them.

"Your leg is covered in blood, your limping what the hell happened?" Jund asked.

"I... have a scar on my leg and I was walking here but PewDie tripped me. so I fell and ended up opening the wound so I had to stitch it back up...I forgot to change my pants again" I explained.

We all separate and go to our classes well, Russ and I stay together.

"Im coming over later okay?" He asked.

"Sure, friend. "

I limp into the class room hoping that no one will notice. Wrong.

"Cry, why are you limping and why is there blood on your pant leg?" My teacher asked

"I.. it doesn't matter is just a little sore and I didn't have enough time to change my pants." I avoid the explanation.

"Okay just sit down. " she tells me and I follow orders And draw again.


After every class PewDie and his gang would try to he must me like a punch, kick, smart remark, or even try to trip me.

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