Chapter Five

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Cry's pov

I put the kickstand down, run up to the little kid. seeing who it was i drooped to my knees

"Nathan?" I chocked down my sobs.

"Uh who are you?" He asked.

I hugged him but he didn't.

"Cry I really dont think you should be hugging a random kid." PewDie said as I pulled away

"Cry? Voice? What?....No.....Cry?" .... RYAN!" He yelled hugging me

"y-You r-remember me? R-Right?" I asked letting a Tear slid down my cheeks

He began to cry and run into his house

"that was Nathan?" Russ asked.

"F-Fuck.. yeah it was him. he doesn't know anything about.... him. So dont say anything."

"I won't " he laughs

After a few minutes a woman come out running, and crashed into me trying to hug me but...

My mask fell off as she hit me so as a reflex I ran into my house. Covering my face with my hands.

A few seconds later Russ knocks and hands me the mask. I put it on walking out... laughing nervously

"uh about that mom, my mask is uh well I explain later without PewDie here. "

"Wait Mom!?" PewDie asked.

"Yeah this is my mother and this is my brother." I explain picking up Nathan and putting him on by shoulders.

"Ryan! Do you remember your nickname?!" Nathan jumped up and down with joy.

"You see, I only go by that so, with that you have to call me Cry same with you mom, Ryan?.. Is well overrated for my liking and just reminds me of..him"

"Hi-" she tries to question but gets cut of by a motorcycle and a car engine. next thing I know Snake, Jund, and Red are in the yard with us.

"who's the kid?" Jund asked motioning to Nathan on my shoulders.

"This... This is Nathan, and that's my mom." I say smiling

"You found them?" Snake asked and I feel Nathan jump a little.

"Dont worry Nathan I jump at first too, he sounds like Fucking Darth Vader." I joke.

"Ryan language!" My mom yelled

"For one please its Cry. for two my language is English and I speak it quite well. " I joke once again.

"So im just gonna go. " PewDie said awkwardly go back into his home.

"Come inside and- wait why the heck are you guys here?" I asked.

"Well we wanted to see if you wanted to go to the park and hang but I guess we'll go some other time you look like you have done business to take care of. " Red drags them to the cars and makes them leave.

"Okay just come in and I'll explain what happened. " we all go inside and I start to explain.

"The mask is to avoid telling the story so just dont question and I'll explain. " I take off my mask. " He forced you guys too leave and then it started... the beating... molesingting and raping... cuts and bruises, I was covered. at night I would cry myself to sleep. Three damn years.... until it was enough and I left. " I chucked.

"So what happened with PewDie before I arrived?" Russ chuckled with a nudge to my shoulder.

"Shut the Fuck up ass hole. " I yell at him.

"Cry...? Are you mad at us?" Nathan shyly asks.

"No not at all... I love you"

"Nathan we have to go you have school tomorrow." Mom told him.

"Bye love you Cry." He runs out the door after giving me a hug.

"Bye love you Cry" my mother gives me a hug.

"Love you." She follows Nathan out the door

"So Cry wanna play-"there's a knock at the door.

Not thinking I walk up to the door and open it. PewDie's face drops.

"FUCK" I yell covering my face with my hands.

"What...? What happened." he asked.

"Y-you're not allowed to know. I cant tell you... hell you've beat on me. " I say sadly and muffled by my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Russ take out his phone and aim it at us.

He slowly moves closer, raising my raises his hands, touching my own, slowly moving them down.

"Cry you're beautiful... I-I only did that to try to push back my feelings for you and today I realised it won't help because it'll just break my heart doing so." He smiles.

"I-I.... I-" I get cut off by his lips against mine.

His head tilted to the right, eyes closed, lips hitting mine, lips in syncc. Just.... perfect.

His lips were warm, and soft.

We soon pulled away

"Cry will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yes, I would love to." I chuckle as Russ presses a button and puts his phone away.

"I'll send it to you later. But that was adorable. " Russ says. "Cry ill walk home and live you Two alone. " he walks out of the house.

"Will you stay here with me tonight?" I ask PewDie.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world " he chuckles.

We a it down and watch TV sitting on the couch

" I-it W-Was M-My father" I stutter.

"What?" He asked.

"The scares, stitches, it was him. " I say.

"Oh, did he do anything else?" He grabbed my hand.

"Yeah.... Molested and Raped me." I started Crying in his chest.

"I-I.... im sorry Cry. I didn't know you went through so much and I am the ass hole who taunted you to fight, who teased you-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Shut the hell up. it's fine." I part from the kiss. "How long have you known Nathan?" I asked

"Well they moved here three years ago and about week after they got here he was crying on his porch step and I seen if he was alright, bur he said no that he missed his brother." PewDie said.

"he might have been Depressed. That's when it started, Three years ago my dad kicked them Out but not me. "I explain.

"we should go to sleep its like eleven."

"Okay Pewds."


"I don't know, I like the nickname." I joke

He lays down on the couch and I lets me lay in front of him, burying my head in his chest taking in his smell as he puts his arm around me.

I wake up to the sound of chuckles and no Pewds next to me.

My stomach hurts like my hell

I sit up and see Pewds and Russ looking at Russ' phone.

"What's up?" I ask.

"This as hole took pictures of us when he got here." PewDie laughs.

"Hey well at least im not setting them as my iPhone lock screen like you." Russ defended himself

Awe he set his picture of us for his lock screen.

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