Chapter Eight

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Cry's pov

"I want you to be my first one and I want your first one to be me" I whispered

He connects our lips once again and licks my bottom lip begging for entrance. I let his tongue enter my mouth as I put one hand on his waist and my other in his hair.

He pushed me, back against the wall. I feel his hips in the bitter sweet moment of our lips. I let my feet touch the ground as his brings his knee and rubs the bulge in my jeans. I moan into the kiss. He takes both of his hands and pull a my shirt, off only for a slit second be parted from the kiss. He kisses me again but this time slowly moving down to my neck sucking on every spot looking for my sweet spot only to find it a few center meters below my colorbone

he softly bites down and gets a few moans out of me before moving back up to my lips.

I took my chance and slid his shirt off.

He slid his thumb into my jeans pulling them down slowly. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Are you sure?" Felix asked me with loving, caring eyes

"Yes" I say

He drops my jeans to the ground and looks at my body.

"Wha..? What happened to you? " He asked.

"The scares are all from him you don't want to know what happened. " I whisper.

He sicks his hand in my boxers and I shiver from the touch.

He grabs my throbbing cock and Stroked it getting down on one knee.

He pulls off my boxers and
Begans to lick it. I flinch memories of the times when he... Did things. Felix must have noticed because he stopped and got up.

"Cry, if you dont want to do this then you dont have to." he said.

"I-I'm sorry" I cry into his shoulder. "He-he.... Every night.... it hurt and.... I didn't like that it was him " I continue to cry.

He pulled up my boxers and jeans for me and Hugs me again letting me cry on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Felix. I love you." I said the three words. He looked up and smiled.

"I love you too Ryan." I pull into a tight embrace and cried.

Felix picked me up and carried me to my bed and we cuddled as I continued to cry in his chest.

Huh, it's weird the first guy who bullied me at the new school is now the person who is caring for me, letting me cry on his shoulder.

I stopped crying and stayed in the embrace.

"Cry? When's your birthday?" He asks.

"June 11th. What about you?"

"October 24th. Do you wanna go do something?" He asked.

"Like what?"

"Its a surprise. Come on." he take my hands, and pulls me up.

"Maybe, we should put some shirts on?" I ask as he tries to pull me out the door.

"Yeah, here." He picked up our shirts and handed me mine.

"D-do you have to wear your mask?" He asks shyly.

"I want to bring it, but I won't wear it, unless there are people." I tell him.

He smiles and put me on his back grabbing my mask and putting it in his hoodie pocket.

He carried me on his back to where ever we were going. I hid my face in his neck scared to see if there was people. He must have noticed becAuse he handed me my mask.

"Thanks." I laugh while putting it on.

I look up and see kids from our school pointing and laughing.

"Fags! Gays! Queers!" They yelled.

He set me on the ground and told me to wait.

"Actually he hurt his foot and im carrying him. And when did you get the guts to talk to me?"he threatened.

"that's why he wear the mask, because he's gay and doesn't want to show his ugly face to the world. " one of them yelled

"Stupid piece of shit.... How about you don't assume things because when I didn't know him I thought he wore it because of that same reason. But now that I got to know his and I know why he does.... And he has a right to wear it.... he is beautiful in a guy-friend way. " PewDie defended.

"Okay yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that." the other one said.

At this point, I started crying.

"what, little fag cry-" he was cut off by PewDie punching him.

"Don't you ever talk about my friends like that! You will be in the hospital if you do." pewdie walks over to me and picks me up again. But this Tim he sat me on my shoulders.

Pewdie's pov

I started thinking about Cry's mother and how she acted as if I was her own when...When my mom was....

Murdered. She basically too me in and cared for me as her own. The murder was never caught and I think it was at least seven months before I stopped being depressed.

I carried Cry to a top of a hill where the view was beautiful.

"This is beautiful." He says

"Not as much as you are." I mumble hoping he didn't hear.

"PewDie do you even know how cheesy that was?" He asked.

"I do, but I mean you are beautiful, so I don't give a Fuck. " I mocked a gangster and sat him down. He grabbed my hands and pulled me down next to him and laid his head in my lap, looking at the view.

I played with his hair. "Did I ever tell you that I love your hair? it has just the right amount of black highlights and us the perfect shade of red." i tell him.

"and its all natural I didn't even add the black highlights. " he said

"Do you like trampolines?" I asked.

"Hell, yeah!" He yelled.

I grabbed his wrist and started running to Stephano's. They have a trampoline if you couldn't tell.

After a few minutes of running he was slowing down so I put him on my shoulders and ran faster.

About three minutes later I knocked on they're door.

"Hey PewDie!" Stephano says.

"Stephano can we play on the trampoline?" I act like a kid.

"Sure, PewDie just dont get yourself hurt." He says. I run into their backyard and set Cry down on the trampoline.

He takes off his shoes and mask while I take off my shoes.

We jump on the trampoline for about an hour until he said he wanted to do a back flip.

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