Chapter Seven

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Cry's POV

I froze in place when I heard screaming come from my mother's house.

I drop my book bag and start running as fast as I can till I was at the door. I kicked down the locked door as they all caught up with me.

and ....

seen what I had been dreading to see

My father stood there with my mother in one hand and his other raised.

"Put her the Fuck down." I bitterly say trying not to cry from the memories flying around my head.

I grab Nathan who was in the corner, Crying and put him behind everyone that was watching .

"Why? what are you gonna do you never did anything, and never will." He yelled

" if I would have done something you would've killed me, why do you think I ran?... To spear my life. But it looks like the only way I'm going to be able to do that is do something with you." I say in a bitter voice once again.

I was trying too are him but I knew it wasn't gonna work. Worth a shot.

"She left you and yet you wanna save Her? " he asked.

"No, she didn't leave I was awake I could hear your screaming, telling her you were going to kill her if she didn't leave. You forced her to leave and then ruined my damn life. The scare on my leg won't heal and its your fault. " I scream

He drops her and she runs behind me and hugs Nathan.

He pulls out a knife from his back belt loop.

"Oh but it was wonderful to hear your screams, to see the blood spew out of your leg. And oh remember the first time I took the knife to your face, blood dripped into your eyes, into your mouth. How many scares are in your face again?" He asked.

I take off my mask.

"Count them. it'll be the last thing you do with freedom." I run up to him and quickly grab both his hands, pulling them behind his back.

The knife stabbed deeply into my hand.

Surprisingly there was three ropes on the counter. I grabbed two and tied his wrists and ankles together.

"Ha, idiot, you thought I was going to prison just to kill you? You're not worth the life sentence I would get. " I kick his side.

"Mom call the cops." I tell her and she does as told. I walk back to my mask and put it back on. Fuck....

Stephano, Mr.Chair, and Piggeh seen what I looked like.... Fuck it.

I kneel down to him "I hope you rot in prison, for all the thing you've done to me... I dont even know what to call you. Dad? Father? Oh wait here's my favorite, lying ass mother Fucker." I chuckle as he tries to get out.

"Ryan, its not that I'm not worth it its that your scared. " he says tying to get me mad. And mash I to you its working

"Its Cry. And if I was scared would I do this. " I kick him in his balls and walk back over to my mom checking all over her body seeing if she had any cuts.

"Cry what are you doing?" She asks.

"Making sure you didn't get any cuts trust me he can cut you with his fist." I chuckle at her stupidity. " okay you're good." I go over and cheek Nathan.

He had tears running down his eyes and oh no. ...

He had a Deep cut along his cheek bone to forehead.

"PewDie can you get me some Peroxide and a few bandages?" I ask and he goes over to the first aid kit and gives me what I asked.

"This might sting Nathan-" I was cut off by the police walking in but I continued cleaning Nathan's cut.

"Nathan this might need stitches." I tell him.

A car drove off with my Father in it.

"You know how to do it, right? I don't like doctors. " he panicked.

"Yea, okay ill be right back. " I go and grab some needle and thread.

"Okay this is gonna hurt like hell uh, take mom's hand and squeeze it if you have too." I say as I start to clean it. He cringes his face.

After im done stitching it he lets out a breath

" thank you Cry... I dont know if we would be alive." My mom said.

"I would've killed him but... then I'd have to go to prison.... Fuck I wish was dead for everything he's done." I whispered .

"if you don't mind us asking who was that Dick?" Stephano asked.

"That.... that was the reason I moved also named Dad" I say.

I grab some gauze and wrapped my hand quickly, then returned to them

"Thank you Ryan, you saved us. " Nathan Cried into my chest.

"Come on, Nathan. " I hug him back taking off my mask.

"Do you want us to leave?" Mr.Chair asked.

"I Don't care, do what you want." I laugh.

After awhile they all left but Felix and we stayed at my moms house. Mainly because I fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I got up and woke up PewDie.

He and I changed and he ended up Wearing my clothes again.

After realizing how late it was we rushed and he ran out the door but I pulled him back in and we got on my motorcycle driving at the speed limit and arrived late.

After school PewDie and I drove back to my house as we walk in I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"PewDie? What's your real name?" I asked.

"Felix. "

"You're adorable, Felix. " I said and he smirked giving me a kiss. His tongue slides a crossed my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him.

He walks to my bedroom not pulling away from the kiss. I place a hand on the side of his head getting it tangled with his Blonde locks.I pull away from the kiss and whispered.....

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