Chapter Six

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PewDie's POV

I woke up to the sound of a camera clicking with my arms wrapped around Cry.

I look up and see Russ taking pictures. "Ass hole." I whisper carefully getting up trying not to wake Cry.
"Let me see." I tell him.

He hands me his phone and shows me about 15 pictures of me and Cry sleeping.

I grab my IPhone from my pocket and have him send me the pictures.

I take a few photos of Cry too and then send them to Russ.

I chose my favorite one of me and Cry cuddling and set it as my lock screen.


"Hey you're the one who sent it to me" i laugh.

"Just don't tell anyone that that's me, cause I didn't have my mask on. " Cry demands.

"Okay but-" I get cut off by Cry running into his bathroom and the sound of gagging

Russ and I run to the bathroom and find him throwing up.

"Are you okay?" I ask frantically.

"N-No, my stomach hurts and my throat burns." He says.

"I'll stay home with you today, and I'll get some medicine if you want." I said being way too nice... but then again, he's my boyfriend so I want to be too nice to him.

"No.... no you go to school it's... I'll be fine." He tried.

"Nope, I'm not going."

"Fine. " Hah defeated.

"Alright well I have to go before Red panics but I'll stop by later to make sure you feel alright. " Russ leaves.

"Come on, let's go get you in your bed." I say as his phone goes off. He looks at it and chuckles.

"Russ sent me the photos." I smiled at him.

Russ' POV

As I walk yo the school I send Cry the photos PewDie and I took.

"Where's Cry?" Red asked.

"He-" I think about it. Should I tell him PewDie and him are together? No its not my business to. "- I went over to his house but he got sick when he woke up so he told me to go to school he'll be fine." I explain.

"Okay, well anyway why was PewDie there yesterday?" Jund asked.

"He plays catch with Nathan... Cry was about to take me on a motorcycle ride but seen Nathan and well... you know what happened." we started walking to the classroom and separated.

I walk in and the teacher stops me.

"Your late, why?" She asked me.

"Well I was over at Cry's this morning and he got sick so I stayed for a while to make sure he was okay." I roll my eyes.

"Dont roll your eyes at me. "

"Okay fine." I sit in my desk trying not to laugh.

I hear Pewdie's Friends talking basically just wondering where PewDie is.

The bell rung and Stephano tripped me on the way out.

"Listen here golden boy, I don't know what we did to you but I suggest you leave me and my friends alone but that not the only reason-" Fuck. "- the other reason you can find out on your own because it isn't my right to tell." I pick up my stuff walking to my next class.

Cry's pov

PewDie took care of me all day, right by my side, asking me if I was okay, if I was feeling better, whether I wanted something or not, and just spoiling me.

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